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A blush formed onto Harper's face as the boys whooped and hollered. Sirius agreed to let it happen so Lily and her walked to Lily's bedroom so she can get pajamas. "I'm sorry - I didn't think you'd actually do it." Lily giggled. Harper said it was fine and went into the bathroom to get ready. She brushed her teeth, washed the makeup off, and changed into comfortable pj's. "Thanks for the pj's Lil. See you in the morning."

Walking to the boys room made Harper's heart beat 10x faster. She knocked on the door and it was opened by Peter. "Hey Harper. Don't worry James and Remus fell asleep so they won't make fun of you. Sirius is in the bathroom." She thanked him and sat on Sirius's bed. The faint noise of Peter's snores mixed in with Remus and James's. 

The bathroom door opened and out walked a shirtless Sirius. He smiled at Harper and walked over to the bed and began climbing under the covers. "Gonna join me?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Rolling her eyes, she crawled under the covers, and laid down. "Are you ready to go home tomorrow?" Sirius whispered. "Not really. I'm excited to be home of course. My mom won't be there at all probably. Ever since dad died, she's been at work nonstop." She said with her eyes filling with tears.

Sirius pulled her close to him and she rested her head on his chest. "The Potter's are having a New Year's Eve party. Want to be my date?" He asked her while brushing hair out of her face. "Sirius Orion Black, asking a girl out? Not just to shag?!" Harper acted shocked at the thought. He chuckled at her and closed his eyes. "Goodnight Rossi." He whispered. "Goodnight Black." She said cuddling into him.

"Well would you look at that?" James's voice could be heard talking. Remus tried getting him to be quiet  but obviously had no control as he started yelling for them to wake up. Harper felt Sirius stir next to her and his hand rubbed up and down her arm. "Harper, wake up. You have to get your trunk so we can go to the train." She heard him whisper.

She mumbled a "mhm" and sat up with her eyes still shut. "Lupin - you kissed Pettigrew." She said getting up. "Moony kissed Wormtail?! Ew! Next thing you're gonna tell me is I kissed Padfoot!" James said disgusted. She giggled at him and he went wide-eyed. "No, you didn't. Lily and you did kiss for a while though!" She yelled running out of the room. Marlene greeted her in the common, "Hey, I'll walk you to your common room."

Harper nodded as they began the walk. "So, where were you last night?" She said laughing. "I slept in Sirius's bed with him but before you say anything: nothing happened. It was a dare." Marlene's jaw dropped and went silent. They looked at eachother and giggled. "You guys are gonna happen one day. I just know it Rossi." She stated making Harper's stomach do a loop.

"Come on, help me with my trunk. It's all packed. You can pick out my outfit to go home." Harper said which earned a squeal from Marlene. Running up the stairs and barging into the room (causing her roommates to jump or scream), she began looking through Harper's closet. "Sorry about her.. hehe" Harper apologized awkwardly. Her roommates all left the room after hugging her goodbye leaving the two of them.

"I'm thinking.. You wear this cute plaid skirt with that cropped black shirt. Ooou and those cute knee high boots!" Marlene said running around. One thing about Marlene is, she may be a tough person but clothes bring out a different side of her. "Okay and a pony tail?" Harper asked earning a nod. She started getting changed when a knock came on the door. Marlene got up and opened it while Harper hid and continued changing.

"Diggory." Marlene said through gritted teeth. "Mckinnon. Just here to give Rossi her gift. Be a doll and give it to her? Merry Christmas to you both." He said before walking away. After she was fully clothed, she took the present and opened it. Both girls gasped at the necklace he gifted her which had a bee on it.

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