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"Calm zown! You're gozing to gize yourself a panic attack!" Estelle said as she watched Harper pace back and forth while Viktor sat and watched aswell. The champions were awaiting the second task in a small tent while they listened to the stands fill up. "I'm not going to calm down! We're running from a bunch of man-sized spiders so they won't eat us! It's a maze inside of a cave that we can get EATEN in!" Harper yelled at the girl who looked worried for her. Viktor hurried over to Harper and gave her a short hug before mumbling out, "We'll be fine. Yeah?" This made her feel a bit better as all she really needed was a hug yet she didn't have time to go and greet her friends. "Alright, Eztelle. You'ze got zis!" Harper heard Madam Maxime comforting her student. Playing with her fingers, she listened to the rules and what was to be expected. What she was confused on was what does the word special mean?

After the professors all left so that the champions could walk down when called, Harper embraced each of the champions, "Lots of luck to you both." BANG! The sound of a cannonball shot signaling it was time for them all to come down. Harper felt as if her heart was going to break through her rib cage as the crowd roared with cheers when they caught sight of the three. Ignoring everyone and everything, Harper went through defensive and stunning helps in her head. Meanwhile in the stands, Remus sat looking around for Sirius who still hadn't turned up shockingly. "He'll be here. He wouldn't miss this." Marlene whispered to the boy who nodded and smiled back to her. Lily was shaking in her chair as James was holding her hand to try and ease it. "I'm scared for her." Peter whispered to nobody in particular but everyone nodded in agreement. "She'll be okay."

"3..2..BANG!" Once again, the cannon shot off and the champions raced into the dark cave that was barely being lit up by candles. Separating themselves, Harper took a left while the others took a right. Her palms began to sweat as she started hearing pinchers click together from behind her. "Lumos." She whispered causing the tip of her wand to radiate light. Harper screamed as she saw two huge spiders in front of her making her turn and continue running, with the two spiders hot on her tail. "petrificus totalus!" The bigger spider's arms and legs snapped together and it fell onto its back, leaving the one spider to continue chasing her again. Luckily, Harper shouted the same indication making the second one also fall onto its back with its body binded together. Harper let out a laugh from relief as she turned another corner which luckily had no spiders down it. Harper continued running until she noticed it had been a dead end, 'Maybe the hall with the spiders means it's the right way..?'

Harper racked her brain of more spells until she realized she had just learned the charm, 'Cave Inimicum.' Quickly, she thought really hard and casted the spell on herself before hurrying out of the empty hall of the cave and rushing down the other one where Estelle was battling 4 spiders. Harper let out a snort and quickly snuck by instead of helping as spite for kissing her when she knew she was dating Sirius. Harper continued through the cave undetected but many of the spiders seemed to get bored or hungry and they began to fight and eat one another. Harper covered her mouth as she felt like throwing up at the sight but continued down the cave. She felt something behind her and saw it was Viktor who looked bloodied up. "Viktor!" Harper yelled after casting the charm to undo the spell. "Merlin, Harper they're insane for making us do this. Come on, I think we're close."

He grabbed onto Harper's hand and pulled him with her as the walked through the cave. Anytime a spider came near, it was easy for the two to get them away as they were both with one another. Finally, the two reached the end but screamed at the sight. In one of the cells was the boy who Estelle was always seen talking to, in the next was another boy who had to be for Viktor, and in the last.. It was Sirius who was bleeding from all different parts of his body. "Watch out!" He yelled snapping the two out of their trance. Harper lept out of the way as did Viktor when the looked up and saw the biggest spider yet. It's brown fuzzy covering and large amount of eyes almost made Harper pass out on the spot. "No spell's gonna work for this thing." Viktor yelled before taking his wand out at the ready. A large laugh came out of the spider, shocking everyone in the room. "What? Never seen a talking spider?" It clicked in Harper's mind of Hagrid mentioning the creature and that his name was: "Aragog!"

The spiders attention turned towards the brunette and let out another wicked laugh. "How dare you speak my name?" As he spoke, spiders began coming from the celling and dropping down, surrounding the two champions. Harper began casting spells at the spiders as the three hostages screamed in pain from the blood pouring out of them. Harper began to back up slowly as she sent some spiders flying so that she could get closer to Sirius. She tapped Viktor on his back making him quickly turn and notice was she was doing. Aragog sat back and watched his little spider henchman do the work but noticed how the champions were taking it with ease. After some time, Harper finally reached Sirius as Viktor reached the boy who was now unconscious. "Ugh! Now I have to do it." Aragog cried out as he began to stomp towards them causing fear to bubble inside of Harper, "Bombarda!" The cell door burst open and Sirius ran out as fast as his bleeding legs would take him.

Following suit, Viktor did the same and carried the boy over his shoulder. Aragog let out a shriek of anger as he stomped closer faster when Viktor noticed a small gold thing in the corner to his left. "Rossi!" Harper turned and watched the boy run to the golden thing as she helped Sirius get over there too. They all placed their hands on the golden thing, that turned out to be a necklace, and felt themselves lifting off the ground. Harper felt the world spinning around her as she looked at Sirius who looked awfully sick. Finally, the 4 students hit the ground and roars of cheers surrounded them. Harper quickly climbed over to Sirius who was laying on the ground with a weak smile on his face. "You did it, Harp.. You did it." She felt tears leak from her eyes as she kissed him before Pomfrey rushed over and helped the boy's cuts close and blood restore. In a matter of seconds, he went from looking weak and sickly to good as new.

The boy that came with Viktor was still unconscious so he was quickly taken to the hospital wing by the professors. Soon enough, the last champion arrived looking dishelved as she carried the boy out with her. She was yelling cuss words at the outrageous task they were made to do but was quickly shut up when students crowded around her in congratulations. "There was more then one port key,
then." She heard from behind her. Turning around, she quickly jumped onto Remus's embrace as he spun her around. Next was James, Marlene, Lily, and even Peter. She looked around and saw Regulus
give her a quick thumbs up and a wink, making her grin from ear to ear. She turned back to her friends who were listening to Sirius tell the play-by-play and boast about how incredible his girlfriend was. "We were so worried when you didn't show up! Now we know why." Marlene laughed as she put her arm around Sirius who was gazing at his girlfriend. "I love you." He blurted out making everyone look at him, "I love you too, idiot." Harper smiled before pulling him into another kiss.

"Enough of that, let's go celebrate!" James yelled earning cheers around him from his friends and others who were listening to them. Harper giggled and looked around finding Dumbledore with a great big smile on his face alongside Mcgonagall who was beaming as well. Harper smiled back before she was pulled onto Remus's shoulders and walked up to the castle.

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