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The 3 woke up to Sirius and James shaking them. "How dare you steal our girls?" Sirius squawked at him. Remus broke out into a fit of laughter making everyone else laugh too. "We still have 2 hours till dinner, so let's do something" James said flopping on the bed. Sirius suggested a few things but they all got shot down considering every single game consisted of nudity.

They pondered on what to do next until Lily suggested two truths and one lie. That got everyone's spirits up so that's what they did. "I'll go first. I slept with Remus last year, I made my motorcycle fly, and Regulus dyed my hair pink on accident when we were young." Sirius said smirking. Harper was stuck between one and two but said, "I'm gonna say you slept with Remus is a lie."

Everyone agreed with her but soon found out that Regulus dying his hair pink was the lie. "YOU SLEPT WITH REMUS AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!" James shrieked. Remus hid his face in a pillow as Sirius explained the story. "Okay, okay my turn. Marlene and I kissed once, I got an E on my last charms essay, and I'm in love with Severus." Lily smiled. "I really hope the last one is the lie.." James said frowning.

"It is the lie." She said happily. Everyone looked at her and began yelling at once. There were a lot of, 'You and Marlene kissed?' and 'Why didn't I know you were a lesbian?' Lily rolled her eyes and snapped, "It was only to see if she was a lesbian. I am very much straight thank you." The game continued for a little longer but for more heated when it was Harper's turn.

"This is hard. Okay, I know. I hid under Marlene's bed when she was shagging Dorcas for the first time, Amos and I shagged in the potions classroom once, and I got caught giving head to Amos in the library once." Everyone sat in silence as they stared at the girl. "What the bloody hell, Rossi!" James said pushing her shoulder. She giggled and waited. 2 people said the last was a lie while two said the first was a lie. "Nah, you're all wrong. I have more class then a classroom!"

Laughing at her joke she knew she'd have to tell the story about the library. "Well.. We were studying with his friends when he asked me to help him find a book. I went with him to a section where nobody else was and he pushed me to my knees. I knew what he wanted so I bloody did it. Pince caught us and threw us out." Everyone laughed at her story but Sirius swallowed hard. She noticed and got very embarrassed of herself.

The game got boring pretty quickly so they decided to go on a walk. They walked downstairs and were instructed to return home fire 8 so they could eat dinner which left them an hour to go on a walk. After helping her put her jacket and scarf, Sirius called out to everyone, "Why don't we go to the library instead of a walk?" Everyone laughed at him while Harper stuck her tongue out at him.

The cold winter air hit there faces as they began to walk. They followed James and Lily's lead as they held hands. Harper looked at the night sky and saw all the stars shining brighter then she'd ever seen. "You see all the stars in the sky? That's how much I love you." Sirius whispered in her ear while snatching her hand. Remus complained about being single at this point.

"Everytime we try to set you up with someone, you say no!" James scolded him. "Really? You tried setting me up with Snivellus, Mcgonagall, a house-elf, and Dumbledore!" Lily snorted at that and slapped James. "Well what's your preference? Girls or boys?" Remus blushed and went silent. Harper decided to encourage him, "Hey don't be embarrassed. I like both too. Or if you just like guys that's okay." Remus smiled at her.

"You like girls too? Hot." Sirius smiled to himself. Harper and Lily threw out names to Remus until he finally said "she's cute and nice." to a Ravenclaw girl. Harper scowled remembering that was the girl she saw with Amos but nodded and decided to help him out. "I'll talk to her, we usually have a lot of classes together."

They continued their walk as it began to snow. "Ooou snow!" James and Sirius squealed. Remus rolled his eyes but smiled. It began to get colder and they could see the air they were breathing coming out of their mouths. "C-Can w-we go h-h-home now?" Lily shivered earning nods of agreement from everyone.

Arriving back home, they stepping inside to feel the warmth of the house. "Wash your hands and come eat!" Euphemia yelled from the kitchen. All 5 kids listened and retreated to the dining room when they finished. "Bloody hell it's cold." James said sitting down. Euphemia slapped the back of his head and scolded him for the foul language. "Are you two staying here till New Years? Please say yes, it keeps these 3 from annoying us." Fleamont addressed Lilt and Remus.

Harper scoffed as the other two boys put on a whole dramatic shows. "How dare you father? We are angels!" Sirius said clutching his heart. James fell out of his chair and curled up into a ball on the floor. "After all the love we gave you!" He cried out. Fleamont, Euphemia, and Remus had learned to ignore the dramatics by now but it was newer to Lily and Harper.

"Get off the floor, James Fleamont Potter and eat your damn dinner!" Euphemia said laughing at him. Lily answered Fleamont's question with, "If you'll have us, we'd love too." James jumped up and kissed Lily's cheek earning amused looks from his parents. "So this is an official thing now?" They both blushed and continued eating their meals.

Sirius answered for them, "Oh yes! They're a LOVELY couple." James punched his arm. A few knocks came on the window from a small black bird that looked like Eclipse but was more sophisticated. Sirius groaned and went over to the window and unlocked it. He picked up the letter and sent the owl on its way. "Who is it?" Harper asked absent-mindedly. Sirius's body stiffened.

"What's wrong?" Remus asked noticing the change in his demeanor. "Regulus wrote to me. Said I was burned off the tapestry." The room went silent but Sirius smiled. "Cheers to that!" Harper got up and hugged him tightly. "I'm okay, I'm happy about this." He insisted. The rest of dinner was silent until Fleamont told the kids to clean up the table since him and his wife had work to do.

Cleaning up turned more into a mess then it was. James and Sirius were flinging soap bubbles at one another while Remus tackled Harper and shoved a piece of chocolate in her mouth. Lily giggled but put a stop too it after a few minutes. "Honestly! I feel like your mother sometimes." She said scolding the 4 with a huge smile on her face. They cleaned up and sat down on the couch. Lily leaned her head on James's lap and had her legs on Remus's lap.

Sirius sat across from them in a chair while Harper
sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his head on her shoulder. "I miss Hogwarts." Remus sighed. They all nodded and talked about the good memories. "Remember when we made Filch break out into song and dance during dinner?" James said laughing. "That was you? I should've known but you all looked so dumbfounded!" Harper said shocked. "He had a good singing voice! How could we not!" Sirius cried out.

The 5 talked for a few more hours until they all got tired. James and Lily ran upstairs giggling so the other 3 knew what was going down. Remus groaned and waved goodnight to the other two while trudging upstairs. Harper stood up and led Sirius into their bedroom. She got changed as did he and they collapsed into bed. She kissed him for a while and it turned into them full on snogging.

Sirius pulled her on top of him but didn't break their kiss. He pulled away causing groans to come out of both their mouths. "I want the first time to be special love. You mean so much more to me." She got off him and smiled. "I agree." Curling up in his arms, she fell asleep. Sirius let out a sigh. As much as he wanted to have sex with her - she meant so much more then that.

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