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The boys were sitting on the couch, clearly anxious for the surprise. Harper sat down on the floor in front of James who began playing with her hair. "Do you have any idea what it could be?" Sirius whispered to James. He didn't respond so Harper took a guess of him shaking his head no. Fleamont and Euphemia both walked into the room with smiles on there faces.

They sat down on the other couch which made everyone more anxious. "Well?" James asked impatiently. Euphemia laughed and made a motion for Fleamont to tell the kids what was happening. "Well, James.. Your mother and I have been talking.." He said stalling causing a groan to come from Sirius's mouth. "Okay, okay! It's your last summer before you leave school so we wanted to do something nice for you. So this summer, we're allowing you to bring 6 friends to the beach house. Alone."

James jumped off the couch and hugged him mother tight. "Merry Christmas to me!!" He squealed then hugging his dad. "James, me, Harper, Remus, Peter, Lily, and Marlene. That works perfectly!!" Sirius said hugging the Potters too. The boys went on to tell Harper about the beach house and she was now, extremely excited to go. She smilied and stood up causing the room to go silent.

"Wow this is never-wrecking. Ok. Here I go. Fleamont and Euphemia, thank you for taking me in and treating me like a daughter. I've had an amazing 2 days here.. I really cannot wait to give you your Christmas gifts so here.." Harper said blushing and handing them a huge gift. Fleamont hugged her and told her she didn't have to get them anything but she knew he was excited. Wrapping the wrapping paper off, they opened the box.

Inside the box was a huge moving portrait of the Potters, with Sirius, messing around in the kitchen. They each had been throwing food at one another and having a fun time as it looked. The portrait wasn't just a portrait though, Harper enchanted it too talk in James and Sirius's voice when they missed them. Tears formed in Euphemia's eyes as she watched the picture moving.

"This is.. Beautiful. Thank you darling.." She said getting up and hugging her. Fleamont even went speechless since he was so greatful. James was there only son since they had trouble conceiving so when he was off at school, they missed him dearly. Sirius came into their lives and became like another son to them, so naturally they missed him too. James began talking to the portrait since it sounded like he was talking back.

Sirius went to go grab hot cocoa for everyone when James whispered in Harper's ear, "You know, as sweet as that gift was.. Sirius's gift to you will be 10x
better." Harper felt a blush creep onto her face and she nodded back to him. She jumped when a hand came onto her shoulder but she calmed down as she realized it was just Sirius handing her the cocoa. "Can we open the gifts at 12?" James begged his parents which earned a chuckle from his dad.

"Fine. Go get your gifts for each other and put them under the tree." The three kids ran to their rooms like a stampede and got their gifts for one another. Before she could return downstairs, Eclipse was on her windowsill was 3 letters. One from Marlene with her gift attached, one from lily with her gift attached, and one from her mother.

Opening the letter from her mother, it read:
Dear Harper Rossi,
I'm sending this letter now because you won't be able to reach me tomorrow since i'll be busy at work. Find a place to stay during the summer if you aren't happy staying home alone when I work. Merry Christmas
From, Arabelle Rossi

Tears formed in her eyes as she read over and over what her mother wrote. Why was she being so cruel? Over her daughter wanting her to be home more? She attached letters for Marlene and Lily with their gifts onto Eclipse and sent her on her way. She wiped the tears away and picked up her gifts for the boys.

She reached the living room to see everyone waiting for her. "What took you so long? We have like 20 minutes." James complained. Harper felt guilty for keeping them wait so she apologized numerous times before sitting back where she was before. "Are you alright? Something seems off.." Sirius said catching everyone's attention. "Uh.. My mother sent me a letter. She told me to find somewhere to stay over the summer if i wasn't happy being alone again all summer."

Fleamont walked over and hugged her. "You can open your presents first if you want." James protested on that which made Harper giggle and tell him he could go first. They lounged around until the clock hit 12:00. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" They all yelled at the same time. I mean almost everyone.. James yelled "presents! oh merry christmas too.." Everyone gave James his gifts except Harper.

"James, I wanted to get you something special so I hope you like it." She handed him a small bag that was decorated with little snowman. Inside was 4 tickets to his favorite quidditch team, the Chudley Cannons, game that would be during the summer. He gave her a bone-crushing hug and yelled, "Rjis is gonna be the best summer EVER!"

James and Sirius passed the Potter's their gifts and then it was Sirius's turn. Harper's present to him was so big that it couldn't even be indoors, so once again she presented last. "You have to come outside for my gift." She giggled. They all went outside where a black motorcycle stood with a red bow on it. "Y-Y-You didn't! Harper Quesadilla Rossi - oh my
god!" He yelled picking her up and spinning her around.

"You can ride it in the morning. Not now." Fleamont smiled at them. The question she didn't want to be asked came from Sirius's mouth. "Where'd you
get all this money for these expensive ass gifts?" She looked at him and whispered, "Well, when my dad passed.. He left a fortune in my name. It's why my mom also resents me. She didn't get anything." Sirius nodded and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Let's go inside and give Harper her gifts then head to bed." Euphemia called out. They all piled back into the living room and sat down on the couches. She first opened the gifts from Remus which were new quills with moons on them and a few books. Peter's was next and he got her loads of candy. Next was Marlene's and Lily's which were some cute clothes and heels. James got her a charm bracelet that had a bee, a picture of her and her friends, and the letter H on it.

James's parents presented her with her very own broom which excited her very much. Lastly,
was Sirius. Her heart fluttered when he gave her a box and kept his hand on her thigh. She opened it and inside was pictures of her and him, a rose, and an even tinier nod. The tiny box held a diamond ring that had the words, "Merlino protegge questa ragazza. Il mio migliore amico e la mia anima gemella. Harper May."

Harper knew how to read Italian since her father grew up teaching her it. What the ring said was,
"Merlin protect this girl. My best friend and my soul mate. Harper May." Her eyes teared up as she pulled him into a hug. "Thank you... Thank you all." All the Potter's wore smirks on there faces which caused the 2 to roll their eyes at them. "Monty and I are heading to bed. Goodnight kids. Merry Christmas." Euphemia said kissing their heads.

They all went to their rooms for bed. Harper laid in her bed but felt lonely without Sirius next to her. So she did the only thing that was logical. She snuck into his room. He laid there with his eyes closed but she knew he was awake. She tiptoed to the other side of the bed and laid down next to him. His eyes shot
open and he jumped but relaxed when he saw it was only her. Wrapping his arms around her, they fell asleep to the sound of one another's heartbeat.

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