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Harper woke up the next day with Sirius cuddling her close. "Sirius..Sirius wake up!" she whispered and started shaking him. "Unless you are waking me up for food, an emergency, or sex - go away." He responded. Harper's heart fluttered at the sound of Sirius's raspy morning voice. She went to get out of bed but he pulled her closer. "I have to get up!" She giggled.

Sirius's eye fluttered open and he smiled at her, "Goodmorning Rossi." Greeting him back, she got her clothes ready for the day. She went to take her shirt off but realized Sirius was staring. "Close your eyes, Black." He laughed and turned over. She got changed and went downstairs to say goodmorning to the Potter's.

Euphemia and James were sitting at the table drinking coffee. "Morning Potters!" Harper beamed at them. "Good morning, Harper Quidditch Rossi!" James replied to only earn a look of confusion from his mother. "It's May, James! MAY! Harper May Rossi. Anyway - Mrs.- I mean, Euphemia.. I was wondering if you wanted me to go to the store and pick anything up for you?" Euphemia thanked her and gave her a small list.

"Before you go, drink some coffee and eat!" James scolded her. "Okay mom." Harper laughed and grabbed a cup of coffee. Not too long after, Sirius came downstairs fully clothed and ready for the day. "Morning family!" He said cheerfully. Grabbing coffee aswell, he came to the table and set it down before wrapping his arms around Harper's neck. Euphemia's eyebrow raised at the gesture and made a note to ask about it later.

"The Christmas party is tomorrow boys and girl. Your suit's are at the dry cleaners so you'll have to pick them up. Harper, I'll give you some galleons for you to buy a dress, take the boys with you to the shops. Then you two go to the dry cleaner while Harper goes and picks a dress." Euphemia instructed the lot. "Oh- it's okay, I have some galleons and such in my room." Harper said blushing.

"Nonsense, I'll be in the ballroom getting it ready for tomorrow evening. See you all later!" She said kissing her son's foreheads. James looked at his two friends who seemed oddly close and laughed. "So, you two are finally dating?" Harper's eyes widened and shook her head. She didn't see Sirius's smile falter but James did.

The 3 friends made their way to Diagon Alley to collect the things they needed. Stopping at the stores on the list to collect what was needed was not only a task in itself but dealing with James and Sirius was another story. "Stop running around you two! Come take these bags." She exclaimed. The two boys said,
'yes mom' and followed her with the bags in there hands.

"Now, you two go to the dry cleaners while I find a dress store." Harper instructed the boys like they were 5. "Nooo, don't leave me with him!! We'll come with you after we get out suits!" James complained. Reluctantly agreeing, the three made their way over to get the boy's suits. James was a traditional looking suit but in dark red while Sirius had an all black suit that Harper knew he'd look good in.

They made there way over to the dress store where James went ham on finding Harper a nice dress. He picked a few out before shoving her in a dressing room to try on. The first one was a aqua, short-fitted dress, with beads all over it. "James this is horrid." Harper laughed looking in the mirror. "I know. I just wanted too see what it would like." Sirius doubled over in laughter when Harper threw her shoe at him.

The next dress was a emerald green, long-mermaid
dress, that was absolutely stunning besides the fact she could barely walk. "I'd say yes if I could walk in it." A few more dresses were tried on until she saw this stunning dark red dress. It was satin, off the shoulder, long, and had a plunging v-neck. She walked out to show the boys and both their jaws dropped.

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