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Sirius's Pov:
I always enjoyed being at the Potter's residence since it was so welcoming and loving. It was the complete opposite of my old home.. I couldn't be happier. Fleamont challenged me to a game of chess while James and Euphemia watched us. A knock at the door came so James's got up to get it. I focused back on the game and called "Checkmate! Dad I did it!" He high-fived me.

"Harper?!" I heard James say. I turned around to see the horrid look on his face causing me to run to the door. There stood Harper with tears running down her face and her trunk. "I-I-I'm sorry to b-bother you." She said shivering. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her causing her to breakdown. James dragged us both inside and ran to get his mom.

"Oh dear, come let's get you in some warm clothes and then drink some tea.. ok?" Euphemia said taking her upstairs. I grabbed her stuff and hauled it upstairs with James close behind. Euphemia picked out some clean sweatpants and a shirt she had in her trunk before leaving. "Boy's come on." She called to us. Before we could go out, Harper said, "Sirius.. Can you stay?"

I nodded to her as they left. "I'll turn around." I looked at the wall as she got changed. "I can't go back. I don't want to b-burden the Potter's.." Harper started saying before I cut her off, "You're not burdening them! Remember, they invited you to stay? Want to tell me what happened?" She began crying again so I rushed over to her. She fell to floor and I went down with her.

"I'm s-s-sorry.." She said after regaining her mental state. I smiled at her and grabbed her hand, "I'm here through thick and thin, Harper Chopsticks Rossi." She weakly smiled back at me and I squeezed her hang tight. I led her down the stairs, hand in hand, to the kitchen where James and his parents sat.

I pulled a chair out for her to sit and sat down next to her. "Here deary.. Whenever you are ready to tell us. Take your time." Euphemia said passing her some tea. Harper thanked her and told us what happened. It made my blood boil at the thought of her own mother telling her daughter she should've died instead of her father. James asked her if she wanted to call Lily or Marlene but she shook her head no.

"It's late, don't wanna worry them. Sorry Mr and Mrs. Potter to storm in here. I'll find somewhere to stay-" Harper began to say before Fleamont cut her off. "It's no problem of you staying here. It would give my wife a chance for some girl time. Also, it's Euphemia and Fleamont. Mr and Mrs. Potter make us sound old." That made us laugh.

We all talked until the clock hit 12. "Merry Christmas Eve!" James got up and started singing "Jingle Bells." I'd normally be doing it too but my heart wasn't in the right state after seeing Harper like that. Fleamont went to bed and Euphemia went to follow but said "Goodnight my babies. Harper, i'm here if you need anything love." We called goodnight to her as she left.

James hugged Harper tight and said, "You scared me kid. Wouldn't want anyone hurting someone who's become like my sister." I smiled at the two of them and thought, hopefully sister-in-law one day. James led us upstairs to show Harper to her room again. "Goodnight Harper Hagrid Rossi." James said winking at her. "Night James Fuckhead Potter." I went to say goodnight but she quickly said "Sirius.. Could you stay with me?"

My heart fluttered at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as her again. "Uh yeah sure. Let me just go get changed." She nodded and closed the door. James smirked at me but I ignored it and walked to my room. "You're in LOVE, Padfoot! This is a good thing. I think she's starting to fall too!" I chuckled and collected my clothes from the dresser. "Yeah sure. I've been dreaming of this since 3rd year."

He laughed at me and told me to believe him before hugging me goodnight. I got changed quickly and raced to Harper's room. After knocking on the door, I walked in to see Harper talking to a mirror. "Who are you talking to, darling?" I asked her. "Oh, Regulus. I was telling him what happened. Reg, I have to go. Please stay safe? See you soon." She whispered to him.

She set the mirror down and motioned for me to come lay with her. My feet took me to the other side of the bed as I crawled under the covers. "You're bed is comfier then mine." I frowned. She giggled and slapped my chest causing my heart to be 100x faster. I laid facing her as she did the same. "Tell me a story." She whispered. "A what?" I laughed at her and she smiled, "A story. A happy one."

I thought up a story and began:
There once was a boy who grew up with his 3 brothers who he was very close too. They started a new school where they met three girls named Petal, Harp, and Mars. Harp was the most beautiful girl the young boy had ever seen. He planned on making her fall in love with him one day. As years went by, Harp fell for a boy named Andy. In there second to last year at school - Andy cheated on her. She was heartbroken but was comforted by the boy, his three brothers, and the two girls. Days went on and she became happier and happier. The boy fell more in love with her. One day he finally got the courage to tell her he was in love with her since they were young. She felt the same way and they lived happily ever after.

Harper fell asleep after snuggling into my chest. I played with her hair and admired her beauty. Her clear and beautiful olive skin, her messy but sexy brunette long hair, her birth mark that was tiny right behind her ear. I kissed her cheek and whispered, "I'm in love with you Harper May Rossi. I have been since third year and I fall harder everyday." Closing my eyes, I fell asleep to the sounds of Harper's breathing.

If I could fall asleep like this every night, I would. I'd do anything for this to happen. She's my happy place. My safe-space. Hopefully, she's my soulmate.

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