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After dealing with a heartbroken Lily all night and a violent Marlene, Harper felt torn. She woke up the next day: Valentine's Day. How could she leave her best friend who had just had heartbroken to go on a date with her boyfriend. "You should go, Harp. I'll be okay." Lily pushed her. Marlene was staying back with Lily as Dorcas didn't mind at all. "I can't do that to you, Lils.."

Lily smiled weakly at her and shook her head. "No. You're gonna go. Come on let's find you something to wear. Dorcas would you mind tell Sirius that she'll only take 30 minutes? Thank you." Harper knew there was no point in fighting with someone who barely took no for an answer. "You can wear something of mine so you don't have to go back to your dorm." Marlene added.

Nodding at her, she walked to Marlene's wardrobe with her. Marlene and Lily decided on a red jumpsuit with heels and of course all the jewelry she had been given for Christmas and her birthday. Lily did her makeup which was a smokey eye and a red lip while Marlene made her hair wavy. "Lils, I cant leave you. It feels so wrong." She said standing up and admiring herself in the mirror. Lily took her by the shoulders and smiled, "You're going."

With that being said, Marlene opened their door and led her out where Sirius stood. "Wow, kitten. You look stunning." She giggled at him and waved goodbye to her friend. "How's James?" She asked following Sirius's lead. His smiled dropped and he looked upset for his friend. "He doesn't remember doing it. You know he doesn't handle his alcohol well." She felt bad for James, knowing how much he loved Lily, but it was his fault.

"How's Lily? I know Remus was panicking after seeing her cry so hard." Harper looked up and shook her head. "Let's change the topic, yeah? More positivity? Where are we going?" He laughed at her and said, "I know it's a Hogsmeade weekend but that's so obvious. I did something special with the help of Remus, Peter, and Frank since James barely could get out of bed." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

He climbed up a ladder and instructed her to do the same. Though she didn't take Divination, she knew this was the classroom due to stories Marlene and James told her about the teacher. "She's a crazy bat, she is! Always predicting our deaths every class and saying 'Jupiter tells me you'll die young!'" Marlene said to her once making Harper laugh at the thought. She got to the top of ladder and was helped inside of this classroom. Her jaw dropped.

Fairy lights (with actual fairy's inside) were strung along the classroom and there was punic on the ground. A Champagne bottle, bread, and basket laid on the blanket with roses decorated around them. "Wow, Sirius.. This is.. This is incredible." He smiled down at her and brought her over to the blanket. He poured each of them champagne and toasted, "Here's to my beautiful girlfriend. Here's to an everlasting love. Lastly, here's to making up for the way your party ended."

Both taking sips of their drinks, they burst into laughter. "I'm sorry I don't know why I'm laughing." She said. He smiled back at her said, "I don't know either. You just make me so happy." She blushed and opened the basket: chocolate covered strawberries, steak, and a bottle of wine. "Trying to get me drink, aren't ya?" She giggled. "No, Peter told me, 'Wine is a romantic drink you NEED to have it. Also chocolate covered strawberries and steak.' He actually gave me a whole list but Remus decided to only take the first three things he said."

She smiled and picked up a strawberry bringing it to his mouth. "Open wide, love." He smirked at her and she rolled her eyes. He opened his mouth and bit down onto it, tasting the deliciousness of the mixture. She brought one to her mouth and ate one too. "You're so sexy when you eat like that." He goggled her. She blushed and told him to shut up before shoving strawberries into each of their mouths.

"I mean it, Harp. Everything you do is perfect; eat, smile, work, breathe! You're the detention of a fucking goddess." She blushed and kissed him roughly. "Hey, not in front of the little fairy's." He smiled pulling away. He pulled the steak out and they ate the delicious meal. "This is really fucking good!" She exclaimed. Just then, Peeves came into the room. "What do we have here? A nice dinner for two?" Sirius's smile turned into a scowl.

"You know me and the boys are always good to you Peeves. Leave us alone, would ya?" He snapped at him. Harper sat in silence, scared she'd say something wrong in front of the rough poltergeist. "Yeah, yeah. Fine. I'll go." He said flying out. A sigh of relief came from Harper but turned into a loud gasp as water balloons flew at the two. "HA HA HA! PEEVES HAS STRUCK AGAIN!" Peeves said spinning and actually leaving.

"That fucking.. It's fine, we finished our food." Sirius said obviously angry. With a wave of his wand, all the mess was clear and the food was gone. All that was left was the bottle of wine. He poured her some and laid back watching her. "Whattt?" She asked blushing and covering her face. "Nothing, just admiring you some more." She took another sip of wine before setting it down and crawling into Sirius's arms.

"What are we going to do about Lily and James?" She said taking a deep breath. Sirius thought of a bunch of ideas but nothing really fit Lily's style. Harper knew Lily was a sweet girl but she also knew she would forgive him once she knew how drunk he was. She wasn't the problem though. It was Marlene. Marlene would be the one to not let Lily forgive James, so what they would have to do is convince Marlene somehow.

"Mars is the way to go." She whispered to him. He played with her hair and nodded. "Tomorrow, okay? Today is not the day. I'm thinking we go for a nice under the stars walk when it gets dark and spend the night in the room of requirements. Sex is on the table!" He joked around. She giggled and looked up at him. "I love you." Something twinkled in her eyes as she truly realized how much she cared for the boy. "I love you more, Harper Gang-member Rossi." She kissed him again before reaching for her wine.

She didn't bring it to her lips, but brought it to his. "Drink. I know you've never tried it. It's good." He pulled a disgusted face but Harper insisted on him trying it. Finally, he took a sip and his whole face lit up. "Damn, this is good." He drank the whole glass and went for more. "Try things before saying no, darling." She smiled, transfiguring an old book to a glass. "How'd you do that? I can't even fucking get a porcupine into a pin cushion!"

They danced, talked, snogged, and overall just had a pleasant day until it got dark. "Come on. Under the star walk time. You can tell me about all the stars though I already know." They left the castle and began their walk. Half way, they were stopped by a franctic James. "Did you see the Daily Prophet? Last night, another family. Killed. This is what your brother meant, Sirius. He was there probably." Sirius looked at the paper and rage boiled inside him.

Harper looked at James in disbelief of what he just said. She hugged him tightly and whispered, "It can't be.. Can't.." Sirius shook his head and said, "Thanks James. We'll deal with it tomorrow. It's Valentine's Day. Come on Rossi." He said pulling her hand. Stopping him real quick, she turned to James. "If you really love Evans, get Mckinnon to believe you. Alright? I believe you."

He beamed at her and walked back up to the castle. "Are you ok? It's alright to be sad, he is your little brother." Sirius looked at her and nodded. "I'm sad. I am. He did it himself though. He didn't come with me when he had the chance. Come on let's finish our walk and head to room." Hurt flashed through her at the state of denial of her boyfriend was in but she agreed with him. They walked in silence but stared at the stars. Getting back to the castle, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

He directed her to the room and pulled her in. "I" A kiss planted on her shoulder. "Love" a kiss planted on her neck. "You." A kiss planted on her cheek. "I love you, Harper." Finally, he reached her lips. He kissed her passionately and led her to the bed. She flipped him over. "No, no, no. Tonight it's about you. It's always about me."

With that being said, Sirius got pegged. No i'm kidding, he had the night of his life though.

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