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Halloween Day. Saturday. Day of when they'd know the champions. Nervous was an underestimate of what Harper was - she was absolutely terrified. "I need to get picked. I need to show everyone i'm not just some Hufflepuff girl! I'm Harper May Rossi bitches!" Harper yelled into her mirror. It was right before dinner and Harper was hyping herself up. "I didn't know you entered. Come on dinner." Her roommate said smiling to her. She smiled back before running out of the room to the Great Hall. Already packed with students, Harper walked to the Hufflepuff table.

Without Amos there, it was always boring on the days they were meant to sit at their tables. "Hello! Zis zeat taken?" Harper looked up before snorting out some of her pumpkin juice, "Of course not Estelle. I haven't seen you around." Estelle took the seat next to her and dug into the food. "Yes, no class togezther. We zhould hang out zoon, yes?" Harper stomach did a flip and she nodded quickly before eating some Shepard's pie that was in front of her. Eyes were peering into her and she knew it had to be Sirius - damn it why did he always have to see her get flustered around Estelle?

Looking up, Harper blew him a kiss causing him to catch it and put it in his pocket. "Gross Pads!" Harper heard James yell to his best mate making the Gryffindor table break out into laughter. "Zat your boyfriend?" Estelle asked grabbing the girls hand making butterflies erupt in her stomach. "Yes. Yes it is. Sirius Black, 7th year Gryffindor, and a Marauder." Estelle looked confused by the term of 'marauder' but nodded and continued her food. "Zid you enter in ze tournament?" Harper nodded and the two talked about what they thought it would be like if they got picked.

"Silence! It is time to pick the champions." Everyone turned to the headmaster, ignoring that their food had magically disappeared. Harper felt her hands grow sweaty but Estelle intertwined them anyway in hope for the two girls. "The champion for Durmstrang is.. Viktor Miceli!" The Durmstrang students broke out into cheers and yells as Viktor walked towards the room they were supposed to go when they were picked. After the Durmstrang students settled down, Dumbledore announced, "Beauxbatons Academy Champion is.. Estelle Annette!"

All the students from Beauxbatons crowed around the girl who was grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah Estelle!! Good luck!" Harper yelled as she walked past her and down to room. Silence came almost immediately as they were waiting for one school - Hogwarts - to announce their champion. The goblet began to spew out its final round of blue fire when a note fell into Albus Dumbledore's hand. "Ah yes. The Champion of Hogwarts is.." The tension made everyone extremely uncomfortable as their was a long pause. Was it James? Sirius? Regulus? Marlene? It couldn't possibly be Harper..

"Harper Rossi." Screams erupted around the Hufflepuff table as they had never gotten the glory before and they finally had their chance because of Harper. Harper was extremely excited but as she got up and to walk down the room she looked to her friends. Worried glances were thrown to her but they all looked happy she was happy - did they really still think she couldn't do it? Ignoring it and feeling the pride, she walked down to the room to meet Viktor and see Estelle. "Zis is amazing! Good luck." Estelle wrapped her arms around the girl tightly. Viktor seemed odd and didn't speak much so Harper shrugged it off.

Dumbledore, Madam Maxime, Professor Mcgonagall, and Headmaster Igor Karkoff came into the room looking extremely pleasant. Harper almost didn't notice the man named Barty Crouch who was basically running the show. "Congrats to all the champions! Now, you must know there is no way out of this. The first task is on November 24th, so a month away. Be prepared." Dumbledore spoke calmly to them but Harper stomach was doing so many flips, it sounded like he was yelling. Almost passing out, Harper followed the other champions out of the room and back to their common rooms.

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