~Music box~

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Tears that's what we call them right when they fall from our eyes onto our cheeks cradling them with a soft wet line symbolising only too emotions possible,

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Tears that's what we call them right when they fall from our eyes onto our cheeks cradling them with a soft wet line symbolising only too emotions possible,

The upmost happiness or the worst pain possible.

And for attie it was always the second one, what she's give to experience a tear that held such happiness, that held such contemptment.

Yet 'the only thing that is permanent in this life is impermanence' said sourav prusty and attie has never felt so connected to a quote

Other then the one said by Theodore Geisel or as you may know him as Dr Suess when he said
" how did it get so late so soon it's night time before it's afternoon Decembers here before it's June my goodness how the time has flown"

Alone these quotes could be Precepted as a whole other meaning but together in the right mind, a mind that dosent just look at the line but what lies behind those thin lines that so we're told hold everything, in that mind you see those quotes together mean so much more.

To attie they meant that no matter how substandard, how unbearably intolerable, or how excruciatingly insufferable her abysmal life becomes she must remember that it is all temporary and that

life moves on.

Attie lay on the floor in the attic, and before you start yes it sounds weird she's a kook and in all the Rooms of her massive house she chooses a dusty old attic. But that dusty old attic held silence and when it was dark at night and she lay with her head rested on her jacket she'd crumpled up into a mane do pillow she could look out at the skyline window and see the stars make out the different types as she bummed to the tune she had engraved in her mind like it was a o part of her.

"Wise men say, only fool rush in" attie hummed out slowly as she let a stray tear pass across her cheek letting it drop to the floor beside her resisting to wipe it away.

"But I can't help falling in love with you" she sang softly as she felt her voice waver.

This was atties special song she only sang it when in the confides of her room or the attic or dock. It was the soft lullaby that use to play on her music box a light pink one that sat in the attic her mother never knew she had found it again, or was still playing it but it soothed her, calmed her, and although her mother refused to let her bringing it downstairs to her room she still would sneak up into the attic of her old house to listen to it and to her suprise when she stumbled up to her new houses attic for comfort she found it amongst some boxes from her parents past.

She held the box in her hands watching the small pink ballerina spin to the soft tune she noticed in the corner of that music box a symbol she'd only seen twice in her life, one on this music box and on a certain brunettes golden compass.

A spark flew in her as she recalled it a spark called confusion, why on earth was this on jhon b's compass and why was it on her pink music box.

So as she sat on her attic floor eyes burning into the percuilar carved out symbol in circling to letters B and R she questioned 3 things
1) why was this on jhon bs compass
2)who was B and R
3) what the fuck is going on !

Authors note:
It's a short one today so apologies for that but I just couldn't not leave you on a cliff hanger oops ;)

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