~another side~

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As the pogues gathered around a table in jhon b's chateau one thing was on all their minds 'what was in that envelope'

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As the pogues gathered around a table in jhon b's chateau one thing was on all their minds 'what was in that envelope'

Except for Jj of course who was thinking about one thing his stomach and a certain brunette who had taken ove his mind like one would with an empty room.

And as much as the blonde hated to admit the power she held over him he couldn't help but let his mind trail to her every features all of the time so as he sat making a make shift sand which out of some not so fitting bread all he could think of was a young Atlanta Tanner.

"That bread had mild on it 3 days ago" Pope announced as he passed the kitchen where he found the blonde pulling peices of 'fur' of the bread

"I'll just pull off the bad parts besides mold is good for you it's just a natural organism"

"Jj" kie called as she called them over towards were jb was opening the envelope.

Jj heaved as he bite into his sandwich chucking it into the bin.

Jhon b slowly spread out a map across the table with a look that was shared amongst the pogues of awe

"X marks the spot" pope calls out As jhon b notices a tape mixed up in the envelope

"What's that" Jj says confused

"A tape recorder dumbass"kie remarks rolling her eyes with a playful scoff

Jb presses play onto the records of as he hears his father speak

"Dear bird"

"Who's bird?" Jj says still completely confused as he was before

"That's what my dad called me" jb said keeping his gaze onto the recorder in his hands

" I hate to say I told you so but I told you so and you doubted your old man I suspect at this moment you're filled with guilt and self loathing over our last fight but don't kill yourself just yet kid I didn't expect to find the merchant either" played the tape as the pogues gasped looking around at each other in shock

" you're probably right to call me out was exactly father of the decade but what can I say kid I can smell the barn hopefully we listening to this in our brand-new sugar shack in Costa Rica and she's right hear with us" played the recording as jhon b's eyebrows furrowed

"what who's she" Jj said as all the pogues looked to jhon b for an answer

"I-I don't know" he said as the tape continued

" living of past investments and pullin on permits, if not and you find this for less than optimal reasons, well that's what the map is for there she is the wreck of the merchant"

"She" kie smiled pointing to were the x was on the map As all the pogues sighed realising that's what he was referring to when he said she. It was he

" if something happens to me finish what I started go to the gold kid I love you bird even though I didn't always act like it, and before I go I need you to do a favour for me kid it won't make sense now but you'll be glad you did it in the end, you see your picture in their" the recorder announced as jhon b reached into the envelope again finding a small photo of a baby picture of jhon b with one side torn down its edge

"Theirs another side to that photo you don't know about yet bird but you will you just have to look close enough," there was a moment silence as the tape went quiet the pogues all looking at jhon bs reaction

"i'll see you on the other side" the tape announced before it was cut of completely.

The room was filled with silence that to attie would be comforting but in a situation like this can only be felt as uncomfortable. The 3 pogues gathered around jhon b as a tear ran down his cheek slowly striking a bit of realisation into the boy,

That This was all real.

Jhon b got up walking to the door only to get stopped at the doorway causing kie to follow in a comforting manor.

"Holy shit dude he did it-big jhon he found the merchant" Jj spluttered out not realising the sadness in jhon b

To most he was being insensitive but Jj wasn't one for emotions and so he had no clue what to say but as his best friend stood crying for dear life he knew he had to try to help even if his approach was wrong.

"Jj really please come on" kie said raising her brows at the boys idiocy

"Sorry" he mumbled looking down

Silence echoed through the room like a ghost of wind , no one new what to say, what could you say to your Bestfriend who was having one of the worst most heartbreaking moments of their life and so the pogues sat on the front of the chateau with a fire roaring as kie played her ukulele strumming soft chords into the eardrums of the boys.

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