~a game of truth, and lots off it~

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After escaping Cheryl clutches with the help of a certain kook princess John b now found himself at the tip of what seems to be a break through in a mystery he once thought he had given up on

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After escaping Cheryl clutches with the help of a certain kook princess John b now found himself at the tip of what seems to be a break through in a mystery he once thought he had given up on.

And so as the routledge and Cameron sat on the basement floor of the boat they sneaked into John b couldn't help but remember the letters he still had hidden in his back pack and how much he wanted to read them.

John b reached into his old bag as he pulled out the piles of letters sent from an address he didn't recognise and the last letter which was supposed to be sent back to the mystery address yet was never sent by his father Big John.

"What's that" Sarah asked looking at the pile the boy held in his hands

"Letters" he said as he placed the pile onto his lap taking the first one and opening it "I found them in my dads room and..."

"You gonna open them?" Sarah asked, she wasn't sure if she was more shocked about the mystery letters or the fact he had decided to open them right this minute with her. Did he trust her that much?

The boy only nodded as he pulled out the small white letter and read it aloud so Sarah could here.

Dear bird,

I know it's hard for me to tell you this especially after all this time yet I can't help but look at them and know I should have told you.

I'm pregnant with twins. I was going to live the rest of my life telling everyone they was riches just like my eldest son but we both no that's a lie.

The girl has your eyes, and the boy has your smile to some it's promiscuous yet I notice it.

I don't expect nor want you to have a part in their lives, yet I am informing you so that if one day by chance my dear twins come knocking on your door you will know who they are. But for now they will stay riches children please except my wishes

That and we'll the guilt of you not knowing was killing me. And I know you'd laugh at my bluntness muttering a 'you never did stand for any shit did you Robin'

Love Robin x

After John had read the letter his brows were furrowed in confusion "Robin" he muttered as he thought to himself before opening the next letter that was again sent to his father from the same 'Robin'. John figured it was her reply to his letter.

"Who's bird and Robin" asked the blonde

"Well bird is an old nickname my dad gives me I figured it must be his old nickname to" he said as the blonde nodded for him to continue "I- I don't know a Robin?"

Dear bird,

I was scared off your response because as much as I hate to admit it I know you just like you know me, which is why writing that first letter was so hard for me but you must understand that I can't have you seeing them the news would kill my mother and ruin my life with rich.

OUR SOULS~JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now