~stay the night~

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After getting the drone or as pope insisted the ROV they decided to venture to the wreck for some much needed food

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After getting the drone or as pope insisted the ROV they decided to venture to the wreck for some much needed food. The 5 of them were gathered round one table covered in food as they ate, attie throwing fries into jj's mouth as he attempted to catch them.

Kie suddenly stood up and started dancing

"M'lady" kie said handing her arm out for attie to grab

"Well how can I say no" attie joked as the two started dancing round the restaurant

A hand had suddenly rapped around atties waist as she turned to see it was Jj

"May I" he smirked causing attie to blush

"Hmm I dunno can u dance"

"What don't you trust my dance skills" Jj faked a shocked face holding a hand to his chest

"No not at all" attie giggled as Jj span her round so there faces were inches from each other.

"How about now" he whispered lips inches away from hers

"Getting there" she smiled

After a lot of dancing the pogues all went home Jj offering to walk attie back. Even though she knew he lived miles from her house he basically argued with her till she let him do there they was outside her house.

"This is me" she smiled

"Yeah so" Jj said scratching the back of his neck "I'll see you then"

"Yeah see you" she smiled As Jj and her both took off in separate directions.

The end.


not quite

since that little fight Jj has been having inside his head on weather he should or not was slowly coming to an end as he ran back to her

"Attie" He said tapping her shoulder

"Yeah?" She said confused

"I-I-I em I just wanted t-to say" Jj stuttered before he finally gave in "fuck it" he mumbled as he smashed. His lips into hers.

Fireworks, that's what they call it right in those cheesy movies, all she felt was butterfly's but for attie it was the opposite,

It was like a cold chill, yet warm at the same time, when jj's fingers grazed under neath her top and along her back tracing small patterns into her back. As her hands bitter together in his blonde tresssels arms rapped round his neck.

"Jj-" attie said breaking apart for air

"Yeah" he said as his forehead rested on hers

"Stay the night"

"I" he stuttered he wanted to so why was he stuttering but it was attie and he didn't want to do something that would ruin it ,ruin this ,ruin them.

"Please" she said as she looked him in the eyes her palms cupping his cheeks as her eyes pierced into his pleadingly "no ones home" she smiled devilishly

That's all it took as Jj opened her front door his lips attached to her as he pressed her against the door as it closed. Their lips moved in sync for what felt like hours until Jj pulled away kissing down her neck slowl, he pulled at her thighs so she was now sat comfortably with her legs around his waist and arms around his neck playing with his blonde hair.

"1st room on the right" she whispered into their kiss as he broke apart from her carrying her up the stairs to her room.

He placed her onto the bed as if she was glass scared to break her, crawlling so he was straddling her legs, using his arms to balance himself above her.His shark tooth necklace dangled from his neck as his blonde hair spilt in his face.

Attie leaned up kissing his lips as she pulled at his shirt to take it off, Jj compiled as he kept their lips attached before attie lifted up to remove hers, "j" she breathed out breathlessly

"Are you sure" he questioned looking into her eyes with a gleam of seriousness "I won't be mad, I only want to go as far as you want"

Attie smiled at him strioking his face with her thumb before she grabbed his necklace making sure to pull him down with it their faces millimetres apart "I want you" she whispered onto his lips.

And that's all it took Jj lent down tackling her to the bed as he kissed down her neck causing attie to Moan out, As he grabbed her thighs

The Sun gleamed onto them as attie stirred awake from the glistening light, she rolled to her side to meet the grip of a strong blonde holding her waist she bustled her face into his neck as he adjusted to her sudden movement wrapping his arm further round her waist squeezing her hips. She looked up at him watching how his blonde hair was pushed in his face and his lashes lay softly resting on his cheeks how his stomach rose and fell as he breathed.

Attie reached up brushing the blonde hair out his face, causing Jj to smile with his eyes closed "I knew it" attie giggled pressing her nose to his so their lips were inches apart.

Jj only laughed his chest rumbling against her body as she pecked his lips. Causing his to slowly open his eyes "you little sneak" she giggled as he looked into her eyes kissing her nose softly before repeating his action all across her face.

Causing her to giggle "we have to go meet jhon b" attie said between breaths

"Noooooo" Jj groaned pulling her towards his chest

"We can't leave him, and you know no ones even explained this to me all I know is we're finding the royal merchant for jhon b's dad"

Jj smiled at her "jb will explain when we get to his"

"Come on then you can take a shower if you want it just their" attie says as she pulls Jj onto his feet.

"Ow fuck" Jj groans as he feels his foot stand on something sharp. "Think you dropped this princess" Jj said with his morning voice as he picked up the golden necklace.

"Oh Eh yeah it's my moms from when she was younger" attie stuttered realising it was the necklace she had found in her mothers diary.

"Here don't worry I got you" Jj smiled turning her round and pushing her hair over her shoulder in an attempt to put her necklace.

"Thanks" she smiled at him as he spun her round after successfully tying the necklace around her neck

"I really like you ats" Jj said looking into her eyes

Her heart fluttered but as much as she wanted to tell him the same to lean in and kiss him right there she couldn't help but let that small cloud of doubt that she was just 'another girl' cloud her judgment.

"J" she said looking down to the floor

"What" Jj said confused as he lifted her chin so he could look her in the eyes

Attie but her lip "don't say that" she said biting her lip "it's okay if you just wanted it to be a fling I won't be hurt... well I probably will but I'd rather you say then completely cut me of later.....so I guess I get it.... you know what it's okay I get it I'm a hook up....hook up.... yep that it okay it fine honest—" but she was cut of with a grinning blondes lips smashing into hers.

"You not another hook up" he said into her lips as his forehead lent against hers "we can take it slow keep it between us first if you want whatever makes you comfortable"

"Okay" she smiled up at him kissing his cheek as they took of to jhon b's house.

Authors note:
Sorry for the slow
updates I've been
slumped with work lately x

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