~Kitty kat~

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"Where are we going jhon b" pope said as he rested his head against the back of the vans frame dosing off

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"Where are we going jhon b" pope said as he rested his head against the back of the vans frame dosing off.

They all loved jhon b but they couldn't help but be skeptical of the boys theodicies as they well embarked on the wilder more perculiar side of life.

"To Atlanta's house Jj has her address" jhon b said as he drove up figure 8

"Why" Jj said not that he was against her coming but apart of him preferred when she wasn't involved call him selfish but he regrets getting her involved or at least encouraging it he liked attie as his friend not anyone else's or at least jhon b's he couldn't help but notice how close they were how they bonded over jhon b's theories and how she helped him to flutter when he felt like he wasn't flying high enough.

Although jhon b persisted it was Merely a friendship and that he saw her as more of a sister then anything else Jj was jealous or as he liked to call it 'skeptical'

"Because shes as much as in on it as we are and I trust her" jb said focusing on the road as he pulled up outside her house.

The van honked as jhon b sent Jj to fetch the brunette girl who was locked in her tower.

But as Jj strolled up the pathway to their house another brunette came out and not the one he was looking for.

"Can I help you" the brunette announced

"Eh yeah yeah I'm er- we-" Jj coughed clearing his throat awkwardly " we are looking for attie- I mean Atlanta"

"Well I hate to inform you but she's a little hung up right now blondie" the brunette said as he walked closer to Jj.

Charlie Tanner was a perculiar boy but the one thing he enjoyed more then anything was annoying people and so as he stood at the foot of a blonde headed surfer boy he put on his most extra posh 'kook' voice just to make the boy uncomfortable at most.

Except only one could fool Charlie tanners plans of annoyance and that was the even more annoying Kat Tanner.

"Charlie stop annoying the boy" Kat said as she strolled out of the house with a smile on her face.

"Ughh" Charlie groaned hearing his annoying sisters voice of Kat ever came to you know she was only their for one thing

Because she wants something.

"And what do you want Katherine" Charlie said rolling his eyes. As a dumbfounded Jj stood wondering how he had got in this mess in the first place.

"Only to introduce myself to our handsome guest" Kat blushed as she stepped forward towards Jj with a smirk and a blush.

"Ha your funny kitty Kat but your also 13" said Charlie as he playfully shoved the girl "go fix a puzzle or something" Charlie smirked with victory as he 'one upped' the girl at her own game.

Or so he thought

"Oh but Charlie shouldn't you be off how else will you find the time to jerk of time that kook girl you like what her name again c-c-c-Cassidy" Kat smirked regaining her posture.

Charlie gritted his teeth at his sister if Kat Tanner was anything she was annoying and no matter how much Charlie tried she always won.

"Ugh you know what fine find I'm gone good luck with that one" Charlie said as he pointed to Kat who has the largest grin on her face.

"So lover boy what can I do to help you" Kat smirked as she tried to place her hand in jj's shoulder

"Eh- I'm" Jj said trying to get his words out as he pulled away from the young girl who was way to cocky for 13. "I'm here to see-"

"Scram kitty Kat go fix a puzzle" said attie as she strolled out of her house towards the pair on the cobbled pathway

"Charlie already used that one" Kat glared looking towards her older sister with annoyance.

"But it sounds so much better rolling of of my tounge"

"Ugh your so boring attie I was just talking to our guest"

"And while I'm sure your kindergarten jokes and peppa pig role play was top notch I think I can take over" I know what your thinking and yes they get on and they love each-other but one thing the Tanner siblings bonded on over more then family game nights and spending time together was snidely remarks to annoy each other it's how they spoke so long as only they said it if someone else had said that to Kat oh well you better hope Charlie and attie weren't there to hear it.

"Well let's not forget my announced beauty it's not like you can fill that gap too" Kat snarled

"Aww are you calling me ugly kitty Kat" attie teases

"Yep your ugly" Kat sarcastically smiles

"Well that's a shame I was trying to look like you today"

Kat gritted her teeth at her sister as she stormed of into the house away from them. They may have been childish remarks but attie always new how to wind up her siblings.

"So how can I help you" she turned to a dumbfounded Jj as if all was well and normal, you can tell Jj was an only child.

" I eh well we em and me off course cus I want you to come to but not anymore then the others unless-"

"Come where" attie cut of the stuttering boy

"Oh I'm not sure some compass trip tonight I think to a grave yard I have no clue why" Jj stumbled

"While id love to go grave robbing with you j I'm kinda locked up at the moment momma tanners orders but I can see you guys tomorrow pick me up in the morning." She smiled

"Yeah sure okay" Jj smiled as attie reached up to kiss his cheek

"Bye j" she waved as she turned around to walk back to her house

"Eh b-bye attie" the boy said as he waved back to her and watched her walk away.

As he made it into the van jhon b a
Had one question "where's attie"

"Yeah dude you took ages" kie said furrowing her brows

"To busy confessing his love" pope snickers only to receive a laugh from jb and a hit from kie

"Shut up" Jj remarked

"What happened" kie sighed

"her brother called me blondie and then her sister who's 13 by the way, I think she was hitting on me and then attie came and they started arguing or at least that what it looked like and then she said she couldn't come"

"What why" jb said ignoring everything else Jj had said

"Something about her mom locking her up"

"Well then we'll have to Inform her tomorrow-" pope said getting cut of by Jj

"Morning she told me to pick her up then" Jj smirked to them

"Well then let's go" jb said pulling the car into gear

Authors note:
I can't wait to post the flashback chapter it's gooooood and so are the characters ;)
Thank me later x

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