10- Cat fight

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"Huh?(Y/n) why are you crying??" Nagito looks worried

"Ah im sorry is just im so happy that you feel the same" his face went to a surprised look and then to a smile "im happy to" he wipes my tears away as he just gives me a hug.

He was stroking my hair while hugging me tight and i was holding onto his sweater liking the way he was stroking my hair. I smiled like an idiot lost in love that i enjoyed that moment with the rest of my life. "(y/n)" "yes?"
"Does this mean were dating?" He asked .

"Yes" i say nervous "im glad to call you mine" i could see that in his eyes he meant everything to be completely honest I've never seen him with that look which made me think that he was more attractive than ever before...

Some time passed by after our confession. Me and nagito got to understand each other more because we let our feelings the ones i had kept to myself, the ones i doubted, the ones that showed i how i truly felt...


It's already been a few hours we've been together and it was time for us to go home, we both walked beside each other holding each others hands tightly. "Thank you for everything nagito i had a great time today" "me too i can't wait to see you tomorrow" he leans closer to give me a kiss on the forehead. He then waves off leaving me with a heart beat that goes faster than a truck.

"KYAAAH" i go inside my house and start screaming in joy...

Meanwhile inside nagito house

He goes inside and smiles "nagito your fina- why are u smiling?" Rika questions and then smiles to "wow ur smiling it's been awhile since I've seen you smile" nagito didn't respond he was to busy thinking of you. "Huh?" "Ur smiling but why?" Rika questions once again worried "that's none of ur business" his expression went from happy to serious "know if you leave me alone i have some studying to do" nagito leaves upstairs. "Wait nagito-" Rika extends her hand but he had already left "ugh" she whines in a frustrated tone. "I won't let you have him (y/n)!"

The next day i went to school but while i was walking i was way to focused on my phone that i accidentally bumped into a pole "oww" i say touching my forehead i then look at what i bumped into and right infront of me was a missing poster. I stayed there looking at it knowing that the girl in the missing poster looked so familiar? I kept thinking but nothing came to mind but then i remembered! She was in my chemistry class! Why was she missing!? I questioned myself but i just decided to keep walking but for some reason i started to get really worried....

As i arrived in class everyone looked at me and whispered i was entirely confused why they were doing that but i just ignored it and took a seat. Once i sat down the person next to me moved away... Huh??? I was even more confused know. Why did she move tho? I could just feel everyone gaze at me it made me feel uncomfortable i just thought if i ever did anything wrong for them to look at me with such disguting stares....throughout the whole class i was overthinking everything.


"Finally the class ended" i sight. It made me wonder what was going on?? first the missing poster and then people avoiding me and whispering all looking suspicious. Did i do something wrong? I thought "hey (y/n)" nagito walked up to me in the hallway. Finally someone who won't avoid me i say "hey nagito" "so how was your morning class?" "Oh.. It was great i got to talk to mamy people" i lied i didn't want him to know what was going on but eventually he would notice. "Oh that's great do you wanna go get lunch together?" He said scratching the back of his head blushing "yeah".

Nagito pov
As we were on our way to lunch i noticed people kept looking at us. Are they looking at (y/n)? I got really bothered thinking about this that i let out a snarl "What's wrong nagito?" I didn't answer. Why the hell are they looking at her! "Nagito??" She says once again snapping me out of my anger "oh sorry what were you saying?" "Geez can u atleast pay attention to what im saying"

Back to your pov
"So have you seen the missing poster yet?" I asked "oh about the missing girl?" "Yes" he then burst out laughing which made me more confused "why are u laughing it's not funny!" "Oh sorry yeah ur right i wonder if she's okay" he smirks.... For some reason the way he laughed scared me... "Yeah" i said unsure of how everything was going. "That girl went to my chemistry class i hope she's okay" "im pretty sure she is" he looks at the outside distance "how are u so sure" "oh im sure" "hahaha" i laugh awkwardly not knowing what to say "well ima go to the restroom I'll be right back" i sprinted to the restroom.

"What the hell what is up with everyone today-" i say running out of breath from running "hey" i look up to see my biggest rival Rika.. Ugh just my luck why did i have to bump into her and especially those girls to. "Hey happy to see us" Akari says with an evil grin "like hell" i then go back to the door but gretchen and karen stand right infront of the exit "hey what the hell move!" Then they push me to the floor "ack"

She then laughs "did u think we'll let u leave that easy" "What do you want from me" i say tired of there bullcrap but then Rika just laughs "have u not noticed why people have been whispering about you" when she said that i remembered that everywhere i walked there was people whispering and looking at me.... So it was her! That bit**h! I made a really mad glare at her and she got triggered "don't look at me like that!" She put her foot in my face "do u think u could get away with nagito! He's mine! U really haven't learned your lesson haven't you?"

I didn't feel an emotion other than anger at that moment i did what had to be done. "No i haven't" i pulled her leg making her fall down "oww u little!" She exclaimed, Akari went straight forward me trying to punch my face but i doged it i then aimed a punch in her chin making her fall down coughing blood. As i was about to charge into Rika both gretchen and karen grabbed a hold of me "COME ON FIGHT ME! DON'T JUST STAND THERE LIKE A COWARD AND FIGHT ME!"

I could see she was sweating of being nervous but with a mad glare she looked at me. She charged at me screaming and both gretchen and karen let go of me so i charge right at her.

The Neighbor Next Door( Nagito X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now