4- A friend or foe?

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While i was leaning on nagito shoulder it felt nice because it somehow felt i had someone to lean on, then he leaned his head on mine i was a bit surprised he did that but i didn't mind it at all. We were watching a movie but at some point i got really really tired that i accidentally fell into a deep sleep...........


*yawns* i gently open my eyes from the nap i just took, i look around my surroundings and notice im not in my house!? I get up quickly only to remember i fell asleep on nagito shoulder...WTH! i check the time on my phone and to my surprise it was already 10pm!!omg i can't believe i fell asleep on accident here out of all the places i decide to fall asleep is my neighbors! "Ugh" i grunt getting up from the couch. "So ur awake" nagito pops out of nowhere making me scream "aaah- wth don't scare me like that" i say "sorry" "nah is fine, well im so sorry that i caused so much trouble today and the only reason i came here was for my shirt my bad" "no it's fine i wasn't bored at all u kept me entertained" he says "well then I'll be leaving know" i say as i walk to the door, "yeah come again any time I'll be here.... waiting" he says the last part in a low voice i couldn't quite hear "huh?" I repeat "nothing" he smiles. Well that was weird i swear i thought i heard him say something in the last part but whatever i say in my head. As i was about to open the door to leave someone from the other side opens it...

"Hey nagito!" A girl with a high pitched is standing right infront of me "uhhh who is this" she points at me "hahaha i was just leaving bye!" I rush out of the house to quickly go to mine.

"Aah finally!" I arrive at my house literally only took me seconds cuz our houses are right next to each other. I can't believe all of that happened within a day i never expected for me to fall asleep on nagitos house, "ugh how embarrassing" i say trying not to smile and jump over with joy. Who am i kidding that was amazing for us to get that close. "I mean what a dream my friend is gonna be so jealous when i tell her what happened" i say giggling but then i wondered who was that girl? the girl that just barged in to nagito house like that... Then i felt the one having jealousy "dammit im not the one that's suppose to jealous!" I whine. But then why am i jealous is not like i like him or anything!

Meanwhile in nagito house

"Hey nagito!" The girl says excited "what are u doing here??" Nagito questions half confused "i came to see u!" She goes up to hug him "hey ur hugging me so tight!" "Oh im sorry, im just so excited to be here" "why are u here!???" He questions once again "because im here to see-" "no not that tell me the real reason" "ugh fine u big meanie" she whines "im here because i moved back here and know im going to be able to go to ur college! Isn't that great were gonna be going to school together!" nagito just has an annoyed face "why did u move back tho?" "Because stuff happened at home so i decided to just leave, what's the problem?? Don't u wanna see me??" She makes a sad face "is not that but whatever" he leaves upstairs "hey nagito i wasn't done talking!" She follows right behind him.


Back to your pov

After the day of the embarrassing accidents i dreadfully had to go back to school and face nagito once again. As i was walking to class i see nagito as well i was gonna wave at him and say hi but then i saw the same girl from yesterday she was right beside him and that bothered me. He then saw me and looked directly at me but i just avoided his gaze and went into class.

Timeskip to lunch cuz class is boring~

As i was eating lunch with my friends i looked at nagito table who still was with that girl! I was getting so annoyed can she at least leave him alone for a second! What a pain in the ass i roll my eyes. Then i see her leave his table... That's it that was my chance to approach him! I thought. So i took this chance and went to his table. "Hey~" i try to sound confident but in the inside i was hella nervous "hey" he smiles "so how is ur day going so far" i ask a normal question he then sights "well  kind of tiring" "why's that?" "Because Rika is next to me 24/7! That's what i don't like about her because she always leans onto me" he says annoyed "oh and who is she?" I ask in curiosity "she's a daughter of my mom's friend and i have to be responsible and nice to her or else my mom is gonna kill me" "oh, well is there anything i can do about it?" "Hmmm" he puts his hand on his chin with a thinking face "there is" he smirks "oh and what is that?" I smirk "what if we ditch school" he says but my face just turns into shock "DITCH SCHOOL!?" I say loud that some students turn around to look at us "shhh" "ditch school!??" i whisper "yes" "how are we gonna do that?" "Well just leave campus and not go to our next period" he says "are u sure?" I ask "well u said if there is anything u could do and that is the only option plus if we ditch school i ditch Rika as well, or what do u prefer for me to put bombs around the school and explode the whole place" he says with an evil face "oh no let's ditch school" i finally agree "then let's go" he grabs my hand and both of us leave the campus.

Meanwhile with Rika

Rika is walking back to her table in joy only to realize nagito wasn't there! She then started freaking out so she goes back to the restroom. "Guys nagito isn't there!" She says "huh? U mean the guy u like?" the blond girl questions "YES!" She replies "pff he probably ditched u" she says along with the other girl laughing "guys this isn't funny, come on help me out here" "well what do u need?" "Help me find him!" Rika says "are u kidding u expect us to look for ur boyfriend look for him youself!" Akari says pissed "please I'll pay u!" Rika begs "alright how much" "50$" "alright guess were looking for ur boyfriend know gretchen get my bag!" "Yes Akari!" The other girl gets her bag. "Also were is karen?" Akari questions only for the restroom door to open "hey guys i couldn't find u anywhere" karen says bearly coming in "oh great ur here, were gonna look for this girls boyfriend cuz apparently she can't look for him herself" Akari points to Rika "she has a boyfriend!??" Karen says surprised "ugh who cares let's just get this over with" "u know the weirdest thing i just saw right know is a guy with white hair and a girl with (h/c) were leaving the school" karen laughs "um did u just say he has white hair?" Rika questions surprised "yes!" Karen replies "why is that important?" Akari questions "cuz that's nagito!" "Ohh i understand ur boyfriend ditched u for another girl" she laughs once again along with the other two girls "oh come on it's not funny!" Rika screams in anger "alright chill out boo we were just playing with u, but know that we know he left with another girl will just eliminate her because any other girl that messes with a girl on our group messes with us!" Akari says with an evil face "Yeah!" Both gretchen and karen agree. All four girls leave the restroom and go search for u!

Damm good luck~

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