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After I hung out with Adeline for awhile I went back to my room. I saw Jack wasn't there. A sigh of relief left my body.

I crawled into bed and fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning and jumped into the shower. I blow dried my hair and curled it. I styled it how I wanted it.

I got out and put on a black dress. I put on my makeup. It was supposed to natural with eyeliner. I put on my black heel. I looked in the mirror. I already told Bart I wasn't able to make it to the event today. I was bummed. I put my black ray bans on and walked out of the room. I kept my head down. I didn't feel like getting attacked by fans right now. I was in a very emotional state. I didn't the boys making fun of me. Or fans all over me.

I walked out to the taxi I called. I looked out the window and sighed. I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

I paid the taxi driver. I stepped out and walked into the big yard. It was filled with different stones with multiple names on it. I got more emotional. I started crying. I took a deep breath. I blinked a couple tears away. I walked to the grave stone. "Dylan y/l/n. 1993-2012" I cried.

"My best friend" I whispered. "You would have been my best friend the best brother in the world." I cried. "Dylan. I remember we would talk all the time about the whole famous thing. We just laughed because it would never happen. After you died. I wanted to try. I tried because of you. Look where I am. Traveling the world. You should be with me. Standing up for me. But your not. Life is so hard with out your smile here with me. I miss your laugh." I cried even more. I sat down. "You didn't deserve this. You were gonna go so far with everything. Such a big future with football. You had a scholarship. But that night you lost it. Because of him. He's not even locked up. He's walking around like everything's ok. But it's not. I lost my best friend. And I can't bare to think that everyday when I wake up. I can't get over that your not here anymore. I miss you Dylan" I wiped my tears away. I heard walking behind me. I turned around and saw a girl. Y/f/n.

I got up and jumped into her arms. I cried. "Why are you here" I asked.

"I couldn't make you spend this day alone. It's to hard for you." She said.

I nodded. We sat down together. She was wearing something pretty similar.

"He shouldn't be gone" I cried.

"I know." Y/f/n said. She rubbed my shoulder as we both cried.

We sat there staring at the boy who was hit my a car and died. He didn't deserve to die. He should be alive and happy.


After y/f/n and I left we decided to walk around town. "Did my mom come or just you" I asked.

"Just me. She figured you needed someone here with you" she said.

"Ok. I'd probably still be there crying my eyes out blaming the world for his death." I laugh-cried.

"I dated him. My best friends brother" she said.

I laughed. "I remember that. Oh my god. It was horrible."

"Psshhh. You shipped up. I know you did" she laughed.

"You guys dated for like a month. And it was weird. I hated walking into my house and seeing my best friend and brother making out on my kitchen counter" I laughed.

"Ok. One time but still. I know. But I broke it off with him because of the day at the island. We were young and I didn't feel like being in a relationship" she said.

"Yeah ok. Or it's because of me" I laughed. I smiled and lifted my leg up.

"Yeah oook" she said. "Let's get food I'm hungry" she pulled me into a cafe place.

"I've missed you so much. It's not even funny" I said.

"You don't even understand how lonely it is back home." She frowned. The waitress took out drink orders. "What happened to your arm" she asked. I moved my hair. There was a huge bruise.

"Oh. It's from Jack" I mumbled.

"He did that. Ooh I'm gonna beat his ass" she said. She tapped her feet on the ground.

"Alright settle down. It's ok" I laughed.

Cameron's POV:

"Ok guys. So y/n won't be with us today at the event because she has other stuff to take care of. So it's just you guys. Make the crowd happy" Bart told us. We were currently back stage about to go out to our fans.

"Why isn't she here" Johnson asked.

"Um. It's personal. She didn't want me to tell you guys" Bart said.

We nodded our heads. "Ok guys. Go be great" he said. We all walked on stage. There were fans. But not as many as when y/n is here.

We started the show.

Y/n's POV:

After we ate and paid, y/f/n and I walked to a park and sat on a porch swing type thing.

"So Phil called my mom and said he needs new photos and has recipes he wants us to try" she said.

I nodded. "Alright. Cool. I love Phil. He's so cool. Plus he pays well." I laughed.

Y/f/n and I looked at each other "not only in food but also in money" we said in unison mocking phil's accent. We laughed out butts off every time we said it.

"I'm happy your here" I smiled.

"Me too" y/f/n said.


Ok. So guys. This idea was given to me by Shaydon0720 I loved the idea so I added it. So thank you to her for the wonderful idea.

I kinda cried writing this. I have a brother so yeah. Idk. But anyway. I hope you liked it.

Byeeee ily

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