twenty six

66 5 2

It was the first time Mani was actually content with waking up, she had experienced something no parent would ever want their daughter to go thru. What makes matters even worst was HOW she came into all that pain After hanging up the phone and running the few blocks like he told her, Emani looked around seeing if anyone was watching her. Her mind went back to all the times she spend out with her Uncle Chase, he was always just watching around him. Going to the back she saw the door creep open before a girl with bright hair peeked her head out flaggin her over. Sliding into the back of the toy store Emani followed the girl down the hall.

"What type of trouble followin ya here in the Chi?" she looked over her shoulder but all Mani did was turn looking the other way not answering,

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"What type of trouble followin ya here in the Chi?" she looked over her shoulder but all Mani did was turn looking the other way not answering,

" Uhh... you have a phone..please" she couldnt help but stutter from fear and being cold, it was the dead of winter and Mani wasnt dressed right. Nodding the girl took a cell phone from her back pocket, handing it to Mani she told her to wait there while she got her stuff. Peeping around the corner Emani looked around the front of the store at all the toys thinking about her sisters, the huge glass windows showing snow starting to fall. Hearing foot steps Emani turns grabbing the girls hand, shushing her they crept up to the side of the wide window. Peeking out she saw a group of guys standing on the curb by the parked cars, it was dark out so Mani couldnt really make out their faces but the large guns they carried was clear as day.

" We...we gotta run"

" What hell no! listen they dont even know we here just chill we good"

" No no we.. we gotta run trust me" Mani grabbed her arm but she wouldnt move, shaking her head Emani let go and started to crawl across the floor dialing on the phone.

" Helluh" Eric picked up on the first ring.

" Daddy someones following me" she whispered, loud bangin could be heard coming from the back door Emani snuck into. Seeing another door off to the side Mani sprints across, luckily it was unlocked and she ducks inside before the back door busts open with loud gun shots ringing out.

" MANI MANI" Eric yelled hearing guns go off

" Daddy what.. they..." her heart felt like it was about to burst

" Run baybeh run... put the phone in ya pocket leave it on and run im coming Mani okay daddy is tracking you but you gotta get from out dea' "

She knew her dad was right even though she didnt wanna leave the girl who helped her behind, more shots go off inside the store so Emani ran down the narrow hallway pushing the phone in her pocket like Eric told her. Busting through the double doors the cold wind smacked her face as she bolted across the street, loud yelling was heard as heavy booted feet chased after her.



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