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Emani pov


Jumping up out my sleep my heart racing from that loud noise, hearing another loud bang i realize someone is slamming doors throughout the house. Laying back down i close my eyes tryna get back some sleep-

" LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT" i hear my moms voice, I could tell she was pissed about something. Sliding out the bed i put on my slippers and crept over to my door, turning the handle i inched the door open slowly. It was after 2 in the morning so my room was pitch black, peeping through the thin crack I watched Babba grab my moms arm. I could tell by his face he was pissed off way more then she was.

" watch yo tone when you speak ta me I'a aint een gon tell ya that shit again shawty" his voice was low I almost didn't hear him but by the look on my moms face I knew she took him seriously. I had never seen Babba act like this ever, he barely even raises his voice and was always happy having fun. What did she do 

 "Is you crazy i say what i want nigga you got me- she started to go off but before mommy could finish he snatched her away from her bedroom door and down the hall, waiting till i heard a door close loudly I knew they were in Babbas room. Peeping my head out I made sure no one else was coming before sliding out the door closing it behind me.Slowly creeping down the hall I already knew I would most likely get caught if i just stood outside listening, my mom had been acting really weird lately and this was probably my only chance to figure out why. I crept up the stairs 2 at a time on my tippy toes making sure not to walk on the ones I knew made a sound, once I made it to the lounge I dashed around the couch and into the back bedroom. No one ever really uses this room so I knew no one was going to look for me back here, one day while I was cleaning I stumbled on a little door inside the walk in closet. it's really small and was used for storage but one day I moved the stuff out and realized it went all the way to the other side of Babba's closet. I crawled down the narrow space until i came to the other side, I could still hear their muffled voices

" WHY CANT- JUST LEAVE-....None of your concern '' I kept hearing bits and pieces of momma's voice, pushing the door open the lights in the closet were off and I could see the door was slightly open. I knew there was no way for me to get too close to the door without getting seen so i laid flat on the floor and scooted across 

" I'a just want you to stop with the secrets ma, why ya can't just keep it real. I'm not tryna hurt cha " Babba was sitting on the bed staring at momma who sat with her back turned watching thru the large dresser top mirror. For a second her face was blank but i saw the tears, it changed so fast and all I saw was anger. 

" IS THAT ALL CAN I GO" her attitude was on 100 and i couldbt believe it, how could she act like that. Ever since we came back from my birthday trip i've notice she was getting a little closer to him, mommy wasn't so closed off anymore. Babba did everything for us, he cared and took care of us, He wasn't only a dad to me but also Tootie, she loved him more than I did . Mom knew the life we had all the hurt and pain, why would she want to mess that up. Getting off the floor I couldn't listen to anymore, If i stayed I know I would end up saying something. Its one thing for her to go off on me for no reason but now she was trying to ruin the only family we've ever had. Going back to my room I slowly closed my door back, picking up my phone I sent a 911 text to my best friends so they knew to call me the second either saw it, 


Pushing the covers off my body I turned off my alarm, picking up my phone I headed into my bathroom turning on the shower, Brushing my teeth I couldn't help but stare at myself, I tossed and turned all night not bein able to sleep which only caused my anger to grow. I was trying my hardest not to let my sour mood ruin my day before it even got started, Today was supposed to be a good day and I wasn't going to let my moms selfishness block that for me. Taking my time with my hygiene routine washing the rest of the soap off my face I turned the water off, wrapping my towel and robe I left the bathroom plugging my phone up to the speaker. Letting random music play, I walked into my closet trying to decide what I was going to wear today, picking up a random shirt and jeans I walk back into my room. It was smart to just play it casual since we had the dance dance banquet, no point in getting all dressed up twice.

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