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Lacing up my sneakers and grabbing the arm strap for my iphone, I pushed the air pods in my ear letting the fast pace beats flow through my body.. Closing the door behind me and locking it, I held Harlem's leash picking up a light jog down the street. It was early Sunday morning and I was trying to get in my weekly run, it was a much needed stress reliever after the work week I experienced. Towards the end of the park path I decided to pick up my speed a little bit and headed in a new direction not ready to turn back just yet, swiftly running my way down the empty streets I was glad no one was really out just yet. Turning the corner I started down another block checking my Fitbit watch to monitor my progress, i was proud of my progress.Picking my head up I noticed a little girl running wildly, glancing around I didnt see anyone else behind her.I could tell she wasnt really paying attention because her head was turned looking back. A black car was speeding down the street with the music blasting, by the way the driver was swerving I knew they weren't paying attention either and with these wet roads that was a dangerous move. Picking up my pace I ran straight across the street in her direction

" HEYY HEYY WAIT SWEETIE DONT MOVE!! STOP MOVING " I yelled, trying to catch both of their attention I started waving my hands wildly.Everything was moving in slow motion, dropping Harlem's leash dashed reaching out my hands. I scooped her up in my arms as she ran into the swerving cars direct path, a loud screeching sound spun out as the air got smokey. Throwing her small body as far as I could she flew out my arms onto the curb, slightly turning my head bright lights flashed into my eyes. I felt my body freeze as the car slammed full force into me, no longer able to feel anything a loud scream rang out as everything blanked out.

A constant beep sounded through my ears, squinting my eyes due to the bright lights I tried sit up. I went straight to panic mode when I could barely move my vision still blurry, the beeping went off louder as my breathing became faster. Confusion settled in as I didn't know where I was, or what was wrong with me.

" Hey honey relax na' ya alright" a older raspy voice spoke trying to calm me down, I tried to speak but then I noticed a tube in my mouth was prevented that from happening. She kept trying to get me to relax but nothing was working, I was beyond scared at this point. Another nurse and a doctor rushed in jumping to her aid, needle in hand they put something into the IV instantly causing my body to relax. The older nurse grabbed my hand and ran her fingers through my hair as my eyes slowly began to close.

The distant sound of soft humming and someone playing in my hair is what woke me from my slumber, slowing lifting my eye lids the room was dimly lit. My vision was still a bit blurry so I tried blinking a few times to adjust them, pushing up on my elbows i tried to sit up but a sharp pain shot through my entire body.

" Unc'a Chase look I think she wake now" I heard a little voice speak out, swiping my dry tongue across my lips, I tried to speak out but my throat was burning.

" Hi I'm Taylor. Are you okay now" looking up I saw a pretty little girl holding a cup filled with ice water to my mouth, I took the cup taking a few much needed sips. Clearing my throat I nodded my head slowly

"Thank you sweetie" I whispered even after the water it still hurt to talk. The door opened and in walked whom I could assume was the doctor and the nurse who seem oddly familiar from earlier, behind them followed anorher man that stood off to the side.

" Its good to finally see your awake, my name is Dr. Wilson and this here is nurse Jackie. How are you feeling." Shifting my eyes from the 2 strangers I stared at the doctor for a second before responding

"Hur..everything hurts" my voice came out kind of shaky, Jackie handed me back the cup of water which I gladly took and drank more.

" On a scale of 1-10 where would you put the pain"

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