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Chase(1 week before)

I watch Eric leave from Charlie's room and into his like he know's she in there. I've noticed that they're getting closer and after this shit we just found out makes me not trust her ass even more. I'll protect my brother at all cost even it's from himself since day 1 I knew this broad was nothin but problems.

I walk in the kitchen preparing to fix a drink when I see Destiny outside looking as beautiful as the first day I met her. I hate that she actually likes Charlie I don't want her caught up in her bullshit but I love her enough to let her make her own decisions. I thought long and hard about this decision so I asked Eric for his blessing to marry her. He helped me pick out her ring after all the bullshit we found out we both needed something to take our minds off it. She makes me whole and the only thing in my life that makes me happy. Her, Taylor, and Eric were my family and I'll protect them with my life.

"Hey babe" she says and kisses me on the cheek. I was so deep in thought fingering the box in my pocket I didn't even notice she came inside. "I miss you", I wrap around her as she starts digging in the fridge. "How was the trip" she ask me turning around so I can hold her in my arms. I let out a big breath "turns out the kids are for Charlie's twin sister and Charlie's ex is the girls uncle"..........


"YOUR'RE TELLING ME SHE KNEW WHAT WE WERE GOING THROUGH AND LEFT US LIKE TRASH AFTER EVERYTHING I DID FOR HER!" I cry hysterically into Eric he just holds me tighter while I kick and scream thankful that his room is soundproof.

I scream and cry thinking of all the years I sacrificed, fought, and protected her. All of the trauma me and the girls went through living with Justin treating me like a slave just to find out he was doing Karlie's bidding and the girls MY girls were his nieces.

All that anger and hurt I finally show and I can feel Eric holding me tighter and tighter whispering in me in ear telling me everything will be ok and for some reason I believe.

I turn in his arms and stare up into his eyes, the perfect storm, and lose myself. "I promise I'm goin handle everything baybeh let me handle it" he says as he holds my face with one hand. Our eyes lock as he slowly trails that hand down my face, grabbing my chin, and forcing me to truly look at him. In that moment I finally let go of the feelings and love that I've been holding back and give in. He meets me halfway and when our lips finally lock it feels like home. My soul seems to cry out in joy finding her mate and merging as one. I feel the heat wrap around us as he deepens the kiss forcing me to open up for him and spreading into every curve and arch of my body. He pulls me even closer to him secretly telling my body to tell all of her secrets and she eagerly obeys bowing down knowing he'll take care of us and not misuse us like others.

We finally break apart breathing heavily and I quickly look away from his gaze. "Don't do that baybeh you know as well as I do what this is." He turns my gaze back to his and I see the love and trust in his eyes.

"I got you love we goin take this slow I'm not like that bitch ass nigga Justin

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"I got you love we goin take this slow I'm not like that bitch ass nigga Justin. I'm a man outchea and I'm tryin to be yours if you let me" I tried and hide me smile but he's quick to catch me and flip us over so I'm straddling him. I look down and see that cocky grin of his. "I got you all blushin and shit baybeh go head and let a real nigga into ya heart it's not like I'm not already there" he says with all cheeky. "You promise? I can't take anymore heart ache. I can't put the girls through more than they've already been through" I sniff and say. He wipes the tears from my cheeks and sits up so we're eye to eye. "Hey hey look at me I'll never hurt you on purpose, you or those girls, I love them like they're my own! Now do you trust me?" "yes" I say. "Then be my ol lady and let ya man handle this shit for you all you gotta do is continue lookin beautiful everyday like you been doin." I kiss him and let all my worries go through it..........

Present day

Present day

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I watch her approach them and whatever she said I can tell it shook them a lil. She crosses the room and into the arms of a tall man with locs. Just looking at him I can tell this has to be the girls father he looks just like Kassie.

They start walking towards the back and I see her turn around and wave at the guys like this is a game. I quickly walk their way and I can tell when she finally sees me. She give me that same crooked smile from when we was kids and she would let me take the blame for her mistakes.

"If it isn't my weak ass twin of a sister" she sneers lookin at me like I'm beneath her and I don't understand how we even got to this point. "How could you!? You left me!! ME OF SLL PEOPLE, all alone, no word, no goodbye, nothing! I didn't kno if you were dead or in jail. I sesrched everywhere for you Karlie. Then years later you leave your child on my doorstep just to do again with another one. Leaving me no explanation or anything! After everything I did for you growing up you just abandon me and your kids!" I couldnt help put let it al, I knew by now the guys heard our argument and it wouldn't take long before Eric was by my side.

"Here she goes with the sob story. Blah blah lets get the bitch a tissue, Baby didn't I tell you she was pathetic! We might be twins but all we do is look alike the similarities stop right there" she laughs "Charlie I left because of that reason right there! You think everything is about you and thinking you had to do every damn thing for me when I really didn't need you especially not living in no dump! I left, bossed up, and got everything I dreamed of having. Those damn brats were just a slight blimish in my plans but I knew you were good for something not like you had a life anyways. You did good with the oldest one she seems to have some type of sense that younger one though the little bastard wouldn't shut the fuck up keep talkin on and on and on I should've aborted her ass or atleast swallowed cause damn!" She laughs and I can't believe it I don't know who the person standing in front of me is. My blood boils at the sound of her laughing and the remarks she said the girls MY girls not hers! *SLAP* I hit Karlie across the face. "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MY DAUGHTERS THAT WAY YOU EVIL CONNIVING BITCH!" i scream out, I feel arms wrap around me pulling me back. I'm sure all eyes were on us at this point but I didnt care.

" Hmmm I see someone has finally grew some balls, where was all this fight when you were laid out bleeding body black and blue!! Huh where was this bold ass behavior when you were locked away in that hotel room countless times" she was taunting me.

"YOU BITCH" I fought against his strong hold trying to get my hands on her.

"Awwe did your little lover not know how much of a cum rag you were for Justin?? Ha im sure your second hand family has no idea how you let him slut you out to men for money..My money to be exact. You have no idea what's coming and I've got front row seats to see you Rot in hell" blowing a kiss in my direction the couple disappear out the back doors.

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