Chapter 14- Goodbye (For Now)

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Warning: short, crappy chapter. I wrote this before I even started this story, so I'm going to stick with it.


I sigh lightly, just finishing triple-checking everything in my two stuffed bags.

The last two days have been wonderful. Magical. Amazing. And all thanks to Tom. All of the sights we saw, and the things we did... And just last night he helped me finish packing up, an encouraging smile on his face the entire time. 

"You ready, darling? We should go now if you want to get there in time."

I look up to see Tom standing in the doorway, a traveling mug in his hand, full of tea, no doubt. 

"No," I answer, my voice small and weak.

"Is everything okay?" He asks, walking to me, even though he probably has a fair guess. He seems like a giant as he stands and I sit on the bed.

"Yes," I lie.

He sees right through my lie immediately and sits next to me, putting a gentle arm around me. 

"Hm," he starts. "What can I say to you that I haven't yet said?"

I laugh softly. "I don't believe there's anything left."

"You'll be back soon. And I'll be here waiting for you."

"Oh, you've used that one before," I smile. 

He smiles, too. "When you get back, I'll probably be done filming."

"You've said that, as well."

He moves his face closer to hers, suddenly growing serious. "Okay, I've got one."


"When you get back... I'll take Chris' advice."

I stare at him, my breath hitching in my throat. Chris' advice? He doesn't mean... proposing? Does he? What would I say? Oh, why am I even asking myself that? I would say yes. If he is still in love with me after being away for a whole summer, I think he's plenty worthy to marry. 

"Does that.. sound alright?" He prods.

I nod. "Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like a nice plan." I kiss the corner of his lips, and stand up. "I'm ready now."

We put my bags in his car, and then shut the trunk. 

"Are you sure you want to come to the airport with me?" I ask. "I know you've been attempting to stay low recently."

"I'm sure," he smiles. "I'll be there when you leave, and right there as you return."

Despite my efforts to keep a straight face, his words make me smile. "Thank you."

The car ride is a long, quiet one, except for the nice music that plays from the radio. Tom's hand grips mine tightly. I'm surprised at how well he's going through this. How well I'm going through it. He's not angry, despite everything I've put him through. Despite how often I've pushed him away and encouraged him to try to date other women. But he never did. 

When we get to the airport, I'm soon reminded of when I went to New York with him not very long ago at all. Except, it wasn't as busy then. I go through lines and security, and finally get my luggage onto the conveyor. 

Tom reaches into his wallet and pulls out some money, giving it to me.

"Here. You'll need to change the currency, of course, but some extra money will help, yeah? I know it's not much, but..."

I stare at the money. Once in America, it will probably equal around one hundred dollars. 

He smiles weakly when he sees my expression. "Go on. You never like accepting gifts, but I'm asking you to accept this one."

Sighing, I take the money. "Thank you, Tom. I really do appreciate it."

I glance behind me at the waiting room for my plane, and realize he can't go any further without buying a ticket himself. I stare at him for a moment, wanting to remember every detail about him. Oh, if only he would smile... I'd much rather see him smiling before I leave him. 

"I'll be back August fifth," I promise, my voice wavering slightly. 

He nods. Then a serious look comes onto his face in a mocking way. "You must text me once a week, okay? And call me every two weeks."

I smile, letting out a small laugh. "Only once a week?"

"Or whenever you can," he says, shrugging. 

"It'll be more often than just every week," I promise him. 

He smiles, too. "Okay. Deal."

Then I hug him. Very tightly, may I add. And he returns the tight hug, burying his face in my hair. 

"I'll miss you," he whispers. "I'll miss you a lot."

"Me too. I'm so, so sorry I'm doing this."

"Don't be. I understand. Be safe, alright?"

"I will."

We pull away from our hug slightly, and Tom gives me a small kiss, which leaves me wanting more. I can't have more. 

"Alright," he says. "I'll see you in August. Have fun."

"I will," I say again. Then I realize that this is it. I turn, ready to head into the waiting room, and feeling like I'm moving in slow motion. Like the entire world around me is moving in slow motion. And I can't help but think I've forgotten something. But what could I have possibly forgotten that feels so important? I look ahead of me, seeing the bunches of people and lines and more security checks. 

This man who has managed to capture my heart has never let go of it, no matter how terrible I was to him. And here I go again, leaving him behind. And every night he's still able to look into my eyes and say those three special words.

Then I suddenly remember what I forgot. I turn quickly on my heel, seeing that Tom is still standing there, watching me as I go. I realize I still want to talk to him. I need  to talk to him.


"Yeah, sweet?"

I smile lightly. "Don't go falling in love with anyone else while I'm away, okay?" I was serious, but I make sure my voice sounds light-hearted and teasing. 

"Never," he responds, his voice a whisper. This all must be so hard on him. 

"Never?" I repeat, in hopes to make him smile. But my voice sounds no better than his.

"Never," he says again. "But you've got to promise me you won't fall for some other charismatic bloke while you're there."

I give him a small, half-smile. "Never."

That makes him smile. "Rose, I..."

I let out a soft chuckle. "I love you, Tom."

He grins. "I love you, too."

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