Chapter 12- Day Out With the Hemsworths

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Tom wakes me from my daydreams in the café with another question.

"What should we do when you get back?"

"Isn't that thinking a bit too far ahead?"

He smiles cheekily, looking down. "Maybe."

"Hm... We could visit a new part of London," I suggest.

"We've been nearly everywhere in London."

"Okay. Then how about a beach? Sure, they're cold here, but it may still be fun."

"I was thinking somewhere further out," he says, sipping at his tea. "Maybe Italy. Have you ever been to Italy?"

I blink at his casual tone. "No... I can't say that I have."

"Then we'll do that."

"You want to take me to Italy?" I ask in disbelief. "That's a bit far out there, don't you think?"

"Well I think it'll be a fun trip."

I sip at my tea as well. "What the hell. Let's do it."

A smile spreads over his face. "Wonderful."

We finish up our small breakfast in the cafe, and then we head for the London Eye. The streets are cold that morning, and after Tom slips on his sunglasses to help disguise himself, only then do I walk a bit closer to him, feeling some of his warmth as he holds my hand.

"I thought you wanted to hide from the public," he says, his lips close to my ear as he smiles. 

I smile back. "I do... But I'm willing to risk it, since I'm gone in a few weeks, anyway."

He brings my hand up to his lips and kisses my palm, and simultaneously causes my stomach to erupt in butterflies. But it's the good-feeling butterflies, where you smile uncontrollably and your body starts to tingle. Yes, Tom is very good at giving people good butterflies. 

We walk quite a ways along the streets, seeing many shops and buildings that really display the sort of history London has. Many antique, gorgeous buildings peek out from modern shops, and are sometimes hidden back in small, lesser crowded streets. I never get tired of seeing London. And I don't think Tom does, either, even though he's been here since before I can remember. 

Soon we stand in a line for the London Eye, in all its glory. I raise my chin just to get a good look at it, and Tom does the same, a light smile on his face.

"Has Chris and Elsa been on here yet? And their kids?" I ask. 

"You know, I'm not sure about that one," he answers softly. "He probably has, but I don't know about his children. They're probably afraid of heights."

"Well I don't blame them."

"Don't tell me you're afraid of heights," Tom smirks. 

"What? It's quite terrifying, if you ask me. What if an earthquake happened? We'd all die," I point out. 

"You may be right about that. But," he says, pausing to kiss my forehead, "I'm quite confident an earthquake won't happen today, nor any sort of disaster to harm you."

"Well that makes me feel a lot better," I answer with a smirk.

The line continues to move forward, until we get to the front. Tom pays for a pod to go up; our own private pod.

"You're too good to me," I say softly as we're in the pod, looking out. We haven't yet gotten to the top since they are still boarding people, but the view is lovely. 

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