Chapter 9- Chris and Elsa Hemsworth

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It's short, I know. And also very delayed. I wish I could make it up to all of you, but I can't. I'll try to make to next update come quicker. 

I take the time to observe myself in Tom's full-length mirror in his bedroom. I don't look like myself, much like just last night. But I think I look better. When Tom let me grab some of my things from home before we got ready at his house, I had to dig to the very back of my closet to find a reasonable dress, though it isn't even mine. It's something of Kate's I borrowed a long time ago and never gave back. Whoops. It's white, a silky fabric for the main layer and a sheer white over it. The dress goes just past my knees, with long sleeves. I pair it with some black heels, not too high, of course, Tom's purple necklace to me, and silver hoop earrings. I brush through my hair, de-frizzed it, and let it stay in its natural waves.

Tom knocks on the door and enters the room, making last adjustments to his suit. He's clean-shaven, his his hair neatly styled, and he smells of his cologne. I'm thankful when he moves closer to me, bringing that lovely clean scent with him.

"I'll never get used to seeing you all dressed up," he says gently, smiling.

"I'll never get used to seeing you in a suit," I say back. "Though you pull it off wonderfully."

He moves behind me, the both of us now staring into the mirror. "Is there anything else you need before we go? We could stop at a shop, maybe get you some earrings to match that necklace, or maybe a nice, fancy coat? A hat? Anything at all you want?"

"Where on earth do you think I would get the money to buy earrings like that?" I ask with a slight laugh.

"Well that's the thing. I would be buying them."

"Don't be ridiculous. I know you're plenty wealthy, but that doesn't mean you've got to buy me things. Just dinner. I enjoy having dinner."

"I just like showing you off in your best, is all," he says, smiling. "But you don't need anything else, anyway. You look lovely."

As we get ready to go, his words seem to stay in my head. I just like showing you off in your best. I can't help but feel he can't actually show me off, not while I'm always in such simple, classic clothes and have such simple, classic looks. I'm not extravagant or special in any way. How can he show me off at all?

"You're not still nervous, are you?" He asks as we leave his flat. He locks up behind us.

"I'm extremely nervous. What if they don't like me?"

"You don't need to worry about that. I know they'll love you. You're sweet, and kind, and beautiful, and occasionally sarcastic." He grins at me, and I just shyly smile back. "Everything will be just fine. It's only dinner. Heck, you can leave anytime you want if things aren't going just how you want them to."

"I can't leave. That's too rude."

"See? You have nice manners. They'll like you," he says. We take the stairs out of habit, getting some exercise.

I roll my eyes lightly. "Okay."

When we get outside, the taxi we called for at exactly six o'clock is a bit early, so we climb in and tell the driver our destination.

On the way to the restaurant. Tom tells me a bit about Chris and his wife, Elsa. They have one toddler, and two newborns. They are both in the acting business, of course. I hide my nervousness in the taxi, keeping a smile on my face. The restaurant itself, though, doesn't help. I've seen this place before, when passing by. It's elegant, fancy, and expensive. Everything that I'm not.

We walk in, Tom guiding me with a gentle hand on my back. As we are led to our table, a familiar face comes into sight. Chris stands, smiling widely, his blue eyes bright. He and Tom greet each other with a large hug, and Tom hugs Elsa as well, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Smiles everywhere, light chatter, some laughs. Chris hugs me next, kissing my cheek lightly, surprising me.

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