Chapter 10- Nowhere to Go

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A week passes. I haven't left my flat at all, except for Mrs. C's funeral. It went okay. There were many people there I didn't know at all, most of them her family.

I haven't talked to anyone, either. I guess I should be talking to Kate, or maybe even Tom, but I just can't. I need some time alone.

The air outside is cold, and the streets wet from rain. I feel like it's been raining ever since that unfortunate night. Is it normal to feel empty? To feel... nothing? I'm not sad. I'm not happy. I'm not anything. I'm just here. Exsisting.

Many have tried to contact me. And, by many, I mean Tom, Kate, and my boss. My boss gave me some time off work. Kate called, but left no messages, and texted me many times. I don't wish to read them. Tom called the most, I think. He left one message. No texts. But I don't wish to listen to him speak, either.

A knock sounds on my door, the sound ringing throughout my empty flat. I slowly stand up, and go to answer the door. It's the first time anyone's tried to contact me physically.

I expect it to be one of my two friends, but it's not. It's not a familiar face at all. It's nobody coming by to ask me how I'm doing. It's a cop.

"Miss Parker?"

I frown lightly. "Yes. That's me."

"I'm sorry to tell you ma'am, but I'm afraid this building is to be evicted. You may have already gotten the notice."

"Notice? Evicted? What notice?" My mind starts to spin as I try to grasp what he's trying to say.

"A letter was sent out just two days after your landlady's death. Unless you can buy the building by the end of the week, you've got to go."

Shit. My mail. It all still goes through my landlady's mailbox, and not my own. It's all probably sitting down there somewhere. Shit. Shitty shit shit. Money. I lack money. I can't buy this whole building. While I'm freaking out on the inside, the cop tells me goodbye, and I shut the door behind him. I've got a week left in this flat. Where else will I go? A week isn't enough time to find somewhere to live, unless I choose to start living in a hotel for a few weeks. At least until something better comes up.

Feeling confused, lost, and a bit broken, I sit back down, and go back to doing nothing. There's nothing I can do. There's no one who can help me. I'm losing my home. Heck, I'm losing everything.

Then, I start to cry.


I kock quietly on the polished, wooden door. I don't know why I'm here. To get someone's pity, I suppose? No, that's not it. I don't want anyone's pity. But it's not like I can stay in my flat any longer, anyway.

Less than a minute later, the door opens, and a reasuring face appears. I try to hold in my tears as I launch towards him, hugging him tightly. Tom. At this time of night, he was probably drinking some decaffeinated tea before bed and maybe reading a book.

"Rose.." He breathes. He hugs me back tightly, holding me. Just what I've wanted all week. "God, I'm so sorry. I heard about it a few days ago."

I don't respond. I just hold onto him. He doesn't know I have less than two days to fully move out. He doesn't know anything.

I feel him shift himself until one of his hands are under my knees, and the other on my back. He lifts me up and carries me into his flat, while I just desperately hold on to him still.

He carried me upstairs, even though I must weigh a lot, and into his bedroom, onto his bed. There he gets me underneath the covers, pulling off my shoes and coat for me.

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