Chapter 3- Late Night Movie

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As I flip through the channels of the T.V, I can't help but stare at the bandages wrapped around my ankle several times. It wasn't broken, only sprained. It would heal quite quickly.

I had called up to work and they gave me two days off. I only have tomorrow left before I have to go back to work.

I pick up my phone next to me when it suddenly vibrates, and I let out a breath. Tom. I quickly unlock my phone, reading the message.

I know it's late, but I'm going to drive past your place on my way home, so maybe I can stop by to see how you're doing? I understand it you don't reply. And if you don't reply, I'll leave you alone. -T

Should I..? No. I shouldn't. But I will.

Yes. Please stop by. But on one condition: Please don't bother me about what happened. I'm still trying to figure out things myself. -R

I wait a few minutes for his reply.

Wow. You actually texted me back. I'm sorry. Thank you. Yes, I will be there on about five minutes. You have my word. -T

Yes, I know it's been a while since I've responded to you. But eventually we do need to talk. Until then, however, we can be friends again. I'll see you soon. -R

Friends. I like the sound of that :) See you soon. -T

I put down my phone, returning my gaze to the T.V. Thankfully, I left my door unlocked, so I won't have to get up to answer it when he comes.

After five minutes, I actually start to get a little nervous. I haven't just hung out with Tom for so long. Will we be able to forget our relationship stage and the time I avoided him? We basically are starting back at square one. Will we stay where we are, or move up?

I soon hear a knock on my door, and a familiar voice saying who it is. As if I didn't know who it would be. Who else visits this late, or even visits at all?

"Come in!" I shout.

The door opens and shuts, and Tom soon comes into sight, a T-shirt and sweatpants on.

"You look casual," I state.

He smiles. "Just got off set. Changed into these right after." Then he looks down at my ankle, which is set in front of me on a small foot-rest. "How're you doing?"

"I'm fine," I reply, shifting on the couch. I hate having him look at me in this state, sort of helpless and dependent.

Tom sits to my right on the couch. "Does it still hurt?"

"Well... Yeah. But it's no big deal. I should be good in a few days."

"Do you need someone to stay here with you?" He asks, his blue eyes quite expressive and concerned. "In case you need anything during the day?"

I couldn't imagine ever asking him to stay with me while he's already so busy filming.

"I have Mrs. C for that," I reply, smiling lightly.

He chuckles, looking down. Wow. I've missed this. Being the reason he laughs. The reason his eyes light up.

"Enough about me," I say. "Tell me about this movie of yours."

"Well... It's a romantic comedy. You know I've wanted to be in one of those for a while now. So I play the main male character, who sees a girl he knew in high school who was extremely popular. And... They start to fall in love."

I smile lightly. "That sounds like it will be good. Maybe I can, you know... Visit you some time?"

His face brightens. "Do you mean it? Or are you just offering to make me feel better?"

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