Chapter 4- Sarah Collins and Cherry Lip Gloss

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A week passed. I didn't text Tom even once, nor did he text me. I went back to work some days ago, and my ankle was feeling much better. By this time, I felt as though the whole cyclist incident had never happened. Now it was time to text him. I couldn't avoid him forever. If it didn't work last time, it won't work this time. Besides, it was only right for me to text first. He shouldn't always be the one to swallow his pride and come to me.

Hey. So... Is it still alright for me to visit you on set sometime? Any day will do. -R

I walk out of my work building, my eyes scanning the streets for a taxi. I soon find one, and get in, telling the driver my address. Then my phone vibrates.

Yes, of course you can. How about tomorrow? We've reserved a small cafè to film in. I can pick you up before I go, if you like. -T

That'll work. I'm guessing it'll be pretty early in the morning, right? Since you've got to prepare before filming? -R

Is 9 too early? -T

Oh, no, that's not too early. I'll see you then. And I guess I'll get to meet Sarah, too. -R

That you will. I think you'll like her, Rose. She's very nice :) -T

Yeah... She sounds lovely. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Bye -R

See you then, love. -R

The taxi stops, and I get out after paying. I wasn't sure if I wanted to meet Sarah. Or see them film together. Or even be in the safe café as her. But this is what I wanted, isn't it? For him to move on? But now that he may have someone, do I want that for him now?

I open the front door and close it, locking it behind me. Mrs. C is probably already asleep. I got off of work rather late tonight. I quietly climb up the stairs, opening and shutting the door to my flat. The other day, I had noticed Tom left his movie behind, still sitting on top of my T.V. I guess I'll have to bring it back to him tomorrow.

Feeling tired, I drop my stuff of on the table, go change into pajamas, and climb into bed.

As crazy as it sounds, writing today at work was a little easier than it has been in a while. Ever since New York, really. Was Tom really the cause and the solution to my writer's block problems?

I'm almost asleep when I begin to realize how lonely I've been without Tom. How has it not made sense before? I turn onto my side and let out a sigh, shutting my eyes. Maybe I should get a cat.


I step onto the street, the cold immediately reaching to me through my clothes. So all of this layering was for nothing. Tom is just shutting the door to his fancy car. A Jaguar. All because he did that fancy commercial, no doubt. He gives me a light smile.

I've been purchasing some rather girly clothes lately, for some reason having the desire to show off my curves and defined waist. Today I opted for faded blue skinny jeans, a dark purple sweatshirt with pretty designs on the front, and brown boots.

"Nice car," I murmur once I reach him, my arms casually crossing under my chest. I admired the sleek design for a bit before meeting his eyes.

"That's right, you haven't seen it, have you?" He asks softly.

"I've never seen any of your cars," I say with a shrug. And it's the truth. I've never actually been inside of any car he's ever owned. We've always taken cabs. I think it's because he liked to be on my level for the nights we went out. He wanted to be a normal London citizen on an average wage, who could only afford a flat and cabs. So today will be quite a treat for me.

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