Chapter 13- The Last Weekend

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Tom and I work well together on the days that we work. We wake at the sound of my alarm, even though he doesn't even need to get up so early, and get ready. I've usually taken my showers the night before, so while he cleans up for the day, I make our tea and toast. I know just how he likes his tea, and the perfect amount of butter and jam for the bread. And he doesn't like the edges burnt. If they burn, they become my pieces of toast, and I turn down the heating. 

When he comes out, he always dresses in his nice, casual clothes and warm jacket, and presses a kiss to my forehead. He's usually still barefoot at that point, with his hair damp and not yet combed. He thanks me for getting breakfast ready, and we sit for a few minutes to eat. That's when we get to talk. He always loves to tell me about his filming and the cast he's working with. Sometimes he tells me something he and Sarah have done, but then he apologizes. I tell him that it's okay, and I know there's nothing between the two of them. 

Then, when it's time for me to leave, we finish putting on our coats, shoes, and scarves, and head out, turning off the lights and locking the door. Tom never approves of me taking any sort of public transportation, and drives me to work every morning. But I don't mind. I'm thankful he cares.

That's how it's went for the last two weeks, every morning,. We've formed a routine, and I like it very much. 

"Okay. I'll see you at four-thirty," Tom says with a smile, parking in front of my building. "Are you sure you're okay walking from here? I could park closer. Or I could walk with you."

I laugh gently. "I'm fine, Tom, it's just right there." I lean towards him, and he does the same, pressing a kiss to my lips. "Thank you."

He nods. "No problem."

I grab my bag and open the door, getting out of his car.


I turn before I can shut the door. "Yeah?"

He smiles sadly. "Our last weekend starts tomorrow. I just want to let you know I've got something great planned."

I smile sadly as well. "Really? What have you planned?"

"It's a secret. You'll just have to find out."

I grin lightly. "You know, you didn't have to plan anything. I sort of like our relaxing weekends, just staying home, watching films..."

He cheekily smiles. "We do more than just watch films."

I blush, but smirk at the same time. 

"I know you'll like this, though. And it's only one of our two days. The other day we can stay home and... watch films." 

I take his hand in mine and squeeze it. "I can't wait."

Then we say our goodbyes, and I head into the building in front of me. 

A lot has happened in the last week. We saw the Hemsworths off at the airport. Tom was beyond sad when Chris left, and the hug he gave him was the sort of hug people would kill to have. It was the type that seemed more feminine than manly, almost, but in a very good way. The hug was tight, and gripping, and close, with both of them already making plans to meet up again. 

"This time you and your fiance will have to come to our place to visit," Chris had said. 

"Girlfriend," Tom corrected him gently, smiling. "She's just my girlfriend."

Chris grinned. "Well we're hoping by the time you visit, you've popped the question."

My office seems nearly foreign to me now. Not only have I not been spending very much time in it, since I'm almost always with Tom, but I've moved out most of my things since I'll be leaving. They want me to continue writing for them so much that they've offered to keep my position open for when I come back. But until then, I'll leave my office empty.

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