Chapter 7- The Party

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I stare at my reflection in the mirror, and I can't help but frown lightly. Do I even look like myself? What will Tom think? Of course he'll know it's me underneath this makeup and lace, but will he know it's me? Will he know I haven't changed in the least bit? I'm still just little ol' Rose, with the graphic tees and plain jeans. I'm still witty and sensitive and simple, all at once. 

Should I even care what he thinks, though, when it comes to my clothing? We're so close to going steady, yet there are so many things I'm worried about. We both have jobs. Jobs that keep us busy. Will we be able to see each other often? Or only on the weekends, when he doesn't have a sudden interview or photo-shoot or extra day of filming? When he doesn't have to get up and go. 

Sighing, I straighten out the dress Kate lent me. It's far from a fancy dress, though, which makes it a lot more comfortable to wear. The dark blue fabric fits my waist nicely, hanging down and stopping at my knees. I'd left my hair in its wavy, natural state, only brushing it out and making it smooth. I even put on makeup. A clear gloss, a pastel pink for my pale cheeks, and dark eyeliner and mascara. Then the necklace. But I wear this necklace everywhere I go now. I think it makes Tom happy to see me wearing it. 

Running my hands over my dress one last time, I leave the flat, seeing the cab I called for sitting at the curb. It arrived a few minutes early, but I have no problem with that. Or maybe I'm a little late. 

After a small, twenty minute drive, I step out of the cab, paying the driver. The party is being held in a rented building, and I can hear music even outside of the building. I pull out my invitation as I near the front entrance, handing it the man at the front door. I obviously don't look too young to be around alcohol, because he lets me in without seeing my ID, let alone glancing at me twice. 

It's mostly dark in the building, all expect for multi-colored party lights, some flashing on and off, and others spinning around the room. The only steadily lit area is the small bar, which gives off a dim, warm light. The dancing floor is fairly crowded, though I'm able to make my way around people as I scan the walls, hoping to find Tom. A rock song plays over the speakers, though it's still loud enough to talk if you spoke loudly. To be honest, I've never pegged Tom as the type of guy to come to parties such as this one. I pull out my phone and quickly type him a message. 

Where are you? -R

I'm over at the bar. Where are you? -T

Near the entrance. I'll come to you. -R

Too late. Already on my way. Stay where you are, yeah? -T 

I roll my eyes gently, stopping in place. Not even a minute later, I see him walking towards me through some people, his dark button-up shirt and dark pants almost making it hard to pick him out among the people. He smiles, and when he reaches me, he pulls me into a hug.

"You look beautiful, love," he says into my ear as he hugs me. Then he draws back, his hands still resting lightly against my waist. 

"Thanks," I manage to say, hoping he hears me over the music. Finding the right volume at which to speak at will take some time. He seems to speak the correct volume immediately. "You look great."

"I always look like this," he states in a teasing tone. "It's a simple look."

I smile. "Well you always look great."

He lets out a laugh, and I realize how corny my compliment had been. He doesn't seem to mind, though, as he offers me his hand. "Come have a drink with me."

I hesitate for a moment, but then accept his outstretched hand. Tom will take care of me tonight. He'll take care of me at this unfamiliar party. He keeps me close to him as we make our way to the bar, and I can tell he's making sure nothing too crazy happens to me as soon as I first get here. His hand tightly holds mine as he leads, and my other hand gently grips the back of his shirt. It's not too bad standing behind him. I feel safe, even if the worst possible things that could happen is some drunk person stumbling into me. But something tells me this party has only just started, and is bound to get crazier. 

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