Chapter 2- Reunion

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I clamp my hand over my mouth the minute that name comes out, and I start to feel sick to my stomach. He stops, his head turning towards me. He furrows his brow lightly and his jaw drops ever-so-slightly. He looks amazed. But not in a good way. I've never been good at reading people, especially Tom, but I'm certain he looks sad yet relieved.

All I can do for at least ten seconds is just take in his appearance. His hair looks a bit lighter and curlier than last time, and he has a light stubble on his jaw. He looks incredible. Like he actually got more handsome while I was away.

"Rose..." He murmurs after the long silence.

No... That voice has haunted me ever since I left New York in the first place. I quickly turn, preparing to walk away.

"Wait, Rose!" Tom reaches to grab my arm, but I just walk faster.

What happens next happens in the blink of an eye. A blur quickly goes by in front of me, a bike with a rider, and it knocks into me, causing me to fall to the ground. As I fall, all I can think about is my ankle, which is exploding with pain.

Nearby heads turn to me, a few asking if I'm okay. The cyclist even turns around, apologizing a thousand times. I can barely register any of the words, though. Even though there is commotion around me, my hearing seems partially disabled.

I sit up, feeling dizzy, and see that Tom is next to me, a worried look on his face.

"I'm okay..." I say softly after things become more clear. My eyes focus on the man next to me, and I can hear properly again.

Tom tells the others I'm okay, and they go on their way. People still stare as they walk by, but I pay them no attention. Is my ankle broken..?

Tom carefully helps me to my feet, asking again if I'm okay. I keep my weight on my right foot, not wanting to feel pain again.

I shake my head lightly. "No, I'm not okay. But I will be."

He looks down at the awkward way I'm standing. "Rose, you should go to a doctor."

I shake my head again, pulling away from him. The minute I put weight on my bad ankle, however, I nearly fall, grabbing the back of the bench to keep myself up. "I'm fine," I groan through gritted teeth.

He looked as though he wanted to help, but I could tell he was afraid to even touch me in case I snapped.

"No, you're not," he says gently. "Please, just let me take you."

I keep my head down, not wanting to meet his eyes. This is the one thing I've dreaded; meeting him on the streets of London while trying to avoid him.

Without waiting for a reply, Tom gently lifts me up again, putting my left arm around his shoulder. Great. I have to half- walk half be carried to a doctor. I'm surprised this is even working because of our height difference, but it does.

As he guides me through the crowd, both my stomach and ankle feel pained. I feel as if this... isn't right. I completely avoided him for the longest time, and now he's helping me as if nothing had happened. As if we were still best friends. And I know he has so many questions he wants answered, but he doesn't talk. Neither of us do. I start to wonder if I hit my head on my fall, because I start to feel a little dizzy.

Tom stops walking when I put a hand to my head, a look of concern on his face. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah... I'm fine. Tom?"

"Yes?" He breathes.

"I'm sorry..." I say softly.

I think he understands what I mean. "I missed you," he murmurs.

All Love Can Be Revived (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now