Chapter 15

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I run a hand nervously over my newly-tanned arms, nervous as I step off the plane. It feels wonderful, finally returning home after my long vacation.

After being away from London, and away from Tom, for so long, it makes me realize how much I care for him and how much someone like me can deserve someone as incredible as him.

Are you off? -T

Yes. -R

I have the urge to text so much more than that, tell him how excited I am to see him again, but I keep it simple.

I think I see you. -T

I stop walking for a moment, my phone in my hands, looking ahead of me. Where is he, if he sees me? Couldn't he have told me where he is.

The low, overcast clouds hang in the sky, visible through the large windows of the airport, making me sigh contently. It may seem gloomy to others, but it is heaven for me.


I turn around quickly at the sound of the familiar voice, only seeing Tom's smiling face for a moment before he pulls me into a hug. Grinning, I wrap my arms around his neck, and I feel myself being lifted from the ground for a moment.

I laugh as he sets me down and holds me at arm's length. It's then that I fully see him again. He looks well rested, having now being done filming, and he looks as though he put extra effort into choosing an outfit and combing his hair. I can't stop smiling.

"My God, you're so tan," he smiles. "And so beautiful."

I just shake my head. "Still a charmer, I see... I've missed you so much, Tom."

He smiles, the corners of his cerulean eyes crinkling behind his dark sunglasses, used as a disguise. "I've missed you, too. It's hard to believe you're here now. I've only been seeing you over FaceTime for so long."

"I know," I agree.

He takes my hand and squeezes it gently. "What do you say we head home? I've still got all of your things at my place, and there's plenty of hot water waiting for a bath if you'd like one."

Hell yeah I'd like to take a bath! But instead of saying just that, I simply nod instead.

He starts to roll my luggage behind us in one hand, and takes mine in his other. "So, how was it?" He smiles. "I suppose that should have been the first thing I asked you."

"It was amazing," I say. "I had so much fun, believe me, but... America just isn't my home."

Tom stops walking, his lips in a straight line, and it becomes nearly impossible to read his expression. "Of course it isn't. Rose, your home is here, in London. Your home is with me."

My cheeks heat up, but I smile. "I know it is."

Then he suddenly leans towards me, the tips of his fingers resting on my waist. I shut my eyes almost immediately, having missed his touch all summer long. His lips finally meet mine, and I know our relationship has officially continued where it left off, if not stronger than it was before.

I still feel the butterflies in my stomach after he pulls away, the corners of his lips pulled into a smile. Then we begin to head towards the exit once more.

"Rest up tonight, alright? I want to hit the city tomorrow," he smiles.

"Oh, do you have things planned?"

"A few, yes." He opens the door and we exit the airport. I stop listening to Tom for a moment and instead look at the sights around me.

I grip Tom's arm lightly, stopping him from talking.

All Love Can Be Revived (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now