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'You ight?' I heard from behind me and I turned around and seen...


La'Niyah's POV

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La'Niyah's POV

'You almost lost yo life, creepin up on me like dat, thought you was dem people that be kidnappin people in day white van' I said to Von shakin my head as he chuckled 'Even if I was I was gon bring yo ass right da fuck back' Von said shrugging and smiling at me, I mugged him 'Nah but frl what's wrong gang?' He said steppin closer to me I sigh loud and put my head down contemplating on if I wanted to talk about the situation or not  

'After my brother died it brought bad trauma to me, It really fucked me up, to see my brother get shot and die Infront of me made me look at the world different, as in a evil place, when my brother died I felt as if the world turned against me, I went into a dark place that I didn't think I could get out of' I paused and blinked away the tear that were getting ready to fall

'I couldn't sleep without havin a nightmare, I couldn't go a day without havin flashbacks, nor could I go a day without out feelin Uneasy, I didn't feel safe in this world, without my brother with me I didn't feel safe anywhere, lookin over my shoulder everywhere I went, gettin startled at something simple as fireworks' I felt a tear roll down my face and Von wiped it 

'I have had bad anxiety and depression ever since my brother died, It's like I can never get a break, every time I try an be happy and genuinely smile I start havin thoughts and flashbacks, I can't even get a good rest without seein the look on his face when he was layin there, I hate myself so much for not gettin help sooner he'd probably be alive right now' I finished and by now I was in full blown tears Von pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back and I silently broke down in his arms

'You can't hate ya self because of that he know you love him and you tried to help he watchin over you, You a strong beautiful intelligent young woman, he proud of you with all the stuff you have accomplished and achieved, don't bring yourself down gang, show the world you strong and show that you overcame the world weightin down on you' He told me wipin my tears that fell as he spoke

'Gimme kiss' I said perkin my lips he pecked my lips two times and I smiled and we just was holdin each other while watchin the fireworks 'thank you for being there for me' I said lookin up at him he look down at me and smile and said 'I got you forevea and always' and he kissed me again and I kissed back and pulled away and smiled

'I'm sleepy asf' I said yawnin, 'You ready to go home?' Von ask me I nodded and he called Durk and told him we was leaving, we headed back to the car and then headed home. as soon as we got home I was ready to go to sleep ASAP 'come on let's take a shower' Von said tappin the back of my thigh as I was laying down on the bed 'Together?' I asked popping my head up he nodded and I got up and grabbed one of Von shirts and a pair of his boxer's and my towel

Von was turning on the water as I stripped out of my clothes Von got in first the put his hand out for me to grabbed and pulled me in and I look down and my eyes widen at his size oh cause baby if he think that thing is going in me one day he out of his rabbit ahh mind he laughed knockin me out thoughts I look up at him and see him smiling at me 'It looked at me first my kind sir' I said shruggin and washin my body he laughed

'Vonnnnnn you got it in my eyeeeeee' I said on the verge of tears as I tried to get the soap von got in my eye out 'my bad mama' he said as I felt his hand go on my eye and he wiped it 'Is it out?' he said I opened my eyes and blinked a few times I nodded, we both finished in the shower and got out I wrapped the towel around me and Von put his boxers on

we both start brushing our teeth I look up and see von starin at me through the mirror and I laughed causin the toothpaste to run out of my mouth into the sink he smiled and shook his head at me 'you goofy' he said after he spit out his toothpaste I then did my face care and then slipped on my night clothes 'you be wearin my clothes like they was bought for you' Von said eyein me up and down causing me to smile 'They comfy' I said shruggin

Me and Von both got into the bed, we were face to face on our side just starin at each other just admiring each others features 'If you want kids what you want?' I said out of curiosity 'I want a girl so I can spoil her, shiid when she get older I might get my feet done widd ha' he said I laughed and said 'do you see me in your future?' I said grabbing his hand playing with it 'Yeah and I plan on growin with you, shiid I went through alot to get you and I would never do what I did for you to no other female and I know that fashoo you sum different gang' he said starin at me I smiled at him and he smiled back I then kissed his lips and he kissed back

I then felt myself dosein off with von hand in my hand 'Night baby' I mumbled 'Night mama' He said pulling me closer






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Author Speakin;
   Not Von goin soft fa lil ole Nyny😏😭

1056 words

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