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You okay baby?' I asked nervously as he still keep his stare on me making me nervous, He then moved his eyes to the beach view then rub his nose with his thumb then looked down for a minute before looking up at me again and began to say 'Niyah..I uh...

To Be Continued...

To Be Continued

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La'Niyah's POV

'Niyah..I uh...I Love you' He said making me freeze, I didn't know what to say, Does he really love me? Am I ready to say it yet? Is he willing to be with me forever or is this temporary? Will we last? Will he leave me later on? I felt my breathing become unsteady from so many thoughts running in my head, I closed my eyes

I then opened them and I looked down and tears filled my eyes then I said 'People lied and said they love me, so I don't know If your lying or not' I then wiped a tear that fell and said 'I'm scared of getting hurt, Trust will get you killed and love will get you stabbed in the back, I can be down on my back are you going to help me, are you goin be there when I need you the most, cause see with me I give my all, I'm make sure you straight before myself' I said wiping another tear

'That's just how I am and if you not ready frl let me know now cause I don't want you saying you love me then next thing you know your leavin me I'm not going to put my self in a position where I can get hurt mentally' I said look over at him and he was staring at me he then leaned up a little grabbing my hand he looked down then back up at me lickin over his lips

'Look I know you probably not ready or maybe I'm moving to fast but I can't help how I feel towards you, you make me happy, you don't make me feel like King Von you make me feel like Dayvon, I can be myself with you, You never judge me, you never turned me down when I wanted to talk about my problems, you always show me the most love and affection, little things you do puts a smile on my face, You beautiful as hell.' He said fumbling with my fingers

'I love when you cook for me, I love when you you smile, I love when you make tiktoks, I love when you rub my stomach and my chest when you finna go to sleep, I love when you play in my hair, I love when you laugh, I love when you lay on me, I love your eyes, brown but in the light they get lighter, I love when you scrunch your face up when the sun is in your eye, I love when you wear my clothes, I love that you can make me smile even on my worst day, I love that you opened up to me, I love when you notice somethings wrong with me, I love when you try to keep me out of trouble, I love how I didn't have to have sex with you to figure out I love you, cause you know some people fall in love with people because of the sex but I fell in love in with you because your it for me, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't love you, you made me a better me. I love you Mama' He said softly, holding my hand with one of his hands and rubbing my thigh with the other

I smiled hard looking down blushing 'i-I love you too' I said feeling chills go down my spine, He smiled at me and I smiled back as we both began to lean in slowly and our lips finally meet and they moved in sync as we both smiled during the kiss, I then began to suck on his bottom then I bit it like he did me one time and I got up and began to run 'That shiid not funny' Von said running after me laughing, I just continued to run while laughing making me run out of breath and he catch up and grabbed me throwing me over his shoulder as I laughed

'Omg wait, Baby we can talk this out' I said as he began to walk towards the water he laughed and said 'No, No I don't think we can' he then tried to throw me in the water but I held on tight to him 'I'm not gon let you get the chance' he then put me down but I held my arm out and pouted and he picked me back up and I wrapped my legs and arms around him and I said 'Okay baby walk me to the deep end'

'What if I drown cause you on me?' He ask 'Well don't go to far in the water, I don't want you to drown' I said pecking his lip repeatedly, we finally made it further in the water and he was still holding me 'Baby' I said lifting my head off his shoulder 'Hm?' He replied 'Would you still love me if I looked like this?' I asked making and ugly face and he laughed and nodded and said 'Yes mama' I nodded smiling laying my head back on his shoulder minutes later I felt myself falling asleep


I woke up feeling myself being laid in a bed by Von and I have my night clothes on and everything 'I didn't mean to fall asleep' I said softly and he smiled a little and said 'It's okay I'm take yo lashes off  for you' I softly nodded he then slowly pulled them off while smiling a little and he said 'I been waiting all day to take them off' I chuckled a little and he pecked my lips and said 'Your so beautiful' I smiled and said quietly 'your so handsome' he smiled and headed into the bathroom and I laid down closing my eyes trying to go back to sleep,

 minutes later Von came back in the room with his Boxer's on and he hopped in the bed and grabbed the remote and turned the tv down a little and I shifted over to his chest rubbing my hand over his chest and stomach softly and gently

Von smiled at me and kissed my forehead and I smiled and snuggled more into his chest 'I love you' I said softly he held me tighter and said 'I love you too mama' and soon or later I felt myself dosing off






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Author Speakin;
Probably what y'all been waitin on😏😁
Von a simp Ong🥺

1163 words


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