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La'Niyah's POV

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La'Niyah's POV

'Durk get yo girl bruh' I said laughing as Miyah was walking around the store picking up everything she seen, 'Mmcht nadia put that shiid back' Durk said to Miyah making her pouted and put the stuff back, Right Me, Von, Miyah, and Durk are in the store getting snacks, We had just hotboxed before coming in and we was all high

'I'm finna go in the toy section' I mumbled walking away from them, I'm really just trying get on one of dey bikes. I finally made it to the bike isle and I carefully grabbed me a kid bike and I got on it and I started trying to ride it 'This shiid going slower den a bitch' I said looking back at the back tire and the fuckin tire wasn't even aired up, dis some hoe ass shiid ong

I then got off of it and I put it back and I grabbed me a ball from the little pit thing and I began to bounce it and throw it up lightly then catching it 'Nyny what's is you doing gang?' Von said coming out of no where laughing I shrugged and said 'You wanna play catch?' he put his hands out ready to catch the ball so I through it and he catch it and began to bounce it like a basket ball

'C'mon pass it back' I whinnied and he passed it back, and I catch it and then I paused and I looked at Von and said 'Bae I'm really high asf' Von then laughed and said 'On foenem' Von then started looking around rubbing his stomach 'C'mon let's get yo grapes and apples boy' I said walking to isle with the fruits and shiid, My baby love him some grapes and apples


'C'mere mama' Von said looking at me as we we're in line finna pay for our stuff, I went and stood Infront of him looking up at him he kissed me and I kissed back before pulling away and wrapping my arms around him as we stood in line 'Mama why is her wig down on her forehead like that?' Von said whispering in my ear talking about the lady Infront of us, I moved my face into his stomach laughing quietly 'go the fuck on' I said moving away from him still slightly laughing

'I'm finna smash dese hoes' I mumbled picking up a small bag of M&Ms. we finally made it out the store and we are now walking back to the car 'Let me get some' Miyah said to me as I stop in the middle of the parking lot to open my M&Ms 'Girl fuck no' I said Munching like a fuck, Must of thought I was playing when I said I was finna smash dese hoes

 'Mmcht go play in traffic' She said rolling her eyes heading back to the car we're Durk was in the front seat with the door open and Von was standing outside the car rolling a blunt talking to Durk 'Shiid ani't nun, been did that' I said shrugging she looked back at me like I was crazy and I shrugged and began walking back to the car 'I ani't spend money on a hellcat fa nun' I said and she laughed and shook her head

Once I made it back to the car I got in and pulled out my phone scrolling on Instagram 'So like are we just gone sit in the parking lot and chill or what' I said as Von opened my door 'yeah that's what Durk and Miyah said' I nodded looking back at my phone only for it to be snatched 'Mmcht give it back' I said trying grab it out his hand 'Twin C'mere' Durk said talking to Von, Von went over to Durk and he still had my phone

I then look and I see his phone in the car so I grab it and put my face in the screen and it unlocked and I went to YouTube watching Storytime videos on his phone 'Which Storytime you watchin now?' Von asked coming back over to me 'This one is something about somebody stalking her' I said showing him he nodded and began to watch it with me and he was between my legs standing outside the car 

'She funny ash' Von said laughing, ever since I had him watch this one Storytime that was funny ash he began to like them a little and every time I get to watching one he wanna watch it with me 'Ight we finna head to the gas station' Durk said starting the car up, Von got in the back with me and Miyah got in the front


'Don't take to long now I gotta pee' Miyah said 'Girl betta hold that shiid or pee in that bottle right there' Durk said pointing to the bottle that was in the front, Miyah mugged him and said 'Stop playin and hurry yo ass up' he then went to pump the gas

'You mine foreva, Ight gang?' Von whispered in my ear I nodded smiling 'You pretty asf and yo smile contagious gang' Von whispered smiling against my ear he then kissed my cheek then my lips causing me to smile harder. 'I gotta pee' Miyah said as Durk was just now putting the pump back Durk then got in the car 

and then we pulled off back to the house


'Mama showing out today huh?' Von said walking into the bathroom looking at me as I was twerking listening to 'Cry baby by Megan thee stallion ft Dababy' I had got out the shower about 20 minutes ago I did brushed my teeth, did my face care and slipped on my night clothes, well really Von's shirt and a pair of his boxers 

I smiled innocently and he smirked at me and shook his head and he walked closer to me and I looked down as he was just in his boxer's and I could see his print 'C-can I touch it?' I asked looking down at it, he smirked at me 'You sure?' He said I nodded softly and he grabbed my hand and slowly slid my hand in his boxer and I jumped a little once I touched it 'Relax witcho virgin ass' He said chuckling softly

He grabbed my hand again and slid my hand in his boxer's again and this time I fully touched it and I put my whole hand around it 'What's the line thingies on it?' I asked feeling them 'They called veins' he said chuckling softly looking down at what I was doing before looking back up at me I then began to pull it softly with my hand and Von groaned and grabbed my wrist 'Don't do that mama' He said lowly 'My bad' I said before pulling my hand out

'I'm tired' I said picking up my dirty clothes and putting them in the dirty clothes basket 'C'mon den let's go to sleep' Von said picking me up I wrapped my legs and arms around him and put my face into the crock of his neck and he began to pat my back softly while walking into the room he then laid me down and turned the lights off and then turned the tv down a little

then he got in bed with me and I scooted closer to him and laying my head on his chest and I began to rub his chest and stomach slowly and gently and then he began to play in my hair which caused me to be even more sleepier 'Night Baby' I said slowly dosing off 'Night night Mama' I heard before I was fully knocked out






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1326 words


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