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La'Niyah's POV

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La'Niyah's POV


I heard as I began to wake up, I felt somebody holdin my hand I squeezed a little and began to open my eyes slowly, 'you ight lil folks? you need some water? you need me to get da nurse?' Von asked rubbing my face with one of his hands as his other hand held mine, I then began to sit up a little and I winced feeling pain on my side 'Girl lay yo ass down' Von said pushin me back so that I was laying down again

there then was a knock 'Come in' Von said, 'Hello, I'm Nurse johnson, and how are you feeling?' She asked me, 'I'm fine' I said quietly, 'Okay there's a few things I would like to let you know, and you are sir' She said to me then Von, 'Her husband' He said slightly smiling, 'Okay well first I wanted to say is the bullet was thankfully removed, and you did lose a lot of blood, but I also wanted to say Congratulations you to are going to be a mommy and daddy, but due to where you were shot there can be some complications during your pregnancy, nothing to major, but nothing to small, did you have any questions?' She said smiling at us

Von was cheesing, while I was trying to think of way to accidently just tumble down somebody stairs, man it's team fuck them kids for life, I faked smiled and shook my head, and she nodded and said 'Okay, we just have to run a few test then your free to go' then she left out, and I sighed and said 'I'm probably going to be a terrible mother' Von scrunched his face up and said 'Why you say that' I shrugged and said 'I just never seen myself having kids of my own' He nodded but said 'I understand but don't forget you got me, I'll be there with you throughout everything' I nodded, Maybe I won't throw my self down somebody stairs


'Come on, you got it lil folks' Von said as he was helping me out of the car, the doctors ran test and every thing and said I'm okay, and Von said that every body was at his house waiting to see me, I'm surprised I didn't lose the child when I got shot, the devil must've been busy today, cause god just saved this thing in my stomach

He then shut the door once I was out the car, then we slowly walk to the door because of my pain, and because I felt wobbly, We finally made it into the house and I seen Kayla, Miyah, Durk, Mama V, and Grandbabii, in the living talkin and laughin and once they seen me and Von walk into the living room they got quiet, 'They thought they had me y'all' I said trying do a little dance but but I wasn't stable enough

 Everybody laugh, 'Can't take nun serious' Durk said shakin his head, 'Mm my good sis you gainin a little weight' Miyah said lookin at me from head to toe smirkin, I then pouted and tears started formin in my eyes, she ani't have to call me fat like that, I know I'm getting big but don't tell me

Von then shook his head harshly at Miyah while swaying his hand under his chin, basically telling her don't say that, 'We got some news' Von said sitting me down then he sat down beside me, I sighed and said 'I'm pregnant, I'm talkin bout Von seed inside of me just swingin in da womb'  Everybody laughed and congratulated us then Grandbabii got up and walked over to me and said 'You otay Niyah?' I nodded and said 'Yep, everything's alright but I gotta get something to eat before I just vanish

'I got you' Von said getting up, then went into the kitchen, 'Baby what you want to eat cause Von gon fuck yo food up' Mama V said I chuckled a little and said 'I want some spaghetti' everybody else that was in the living room agreed and then Mama V went into the kitchen with Von

Miyah then came and sat by me 'Unt unt bitch you wanna call me fat and shii' I said muggin her and wavin her off, 'Gir- bye you know I love you' she said laying my head on her shoulder, 'You know Dasha and her brother did this shii right' I said lookin up at her, she nodded and said 'Von told me and Durk once he found out

'Oh shit' Kayla said as Grandbabii was pullin her wig, 'Drag her ass Grandbabii' Durk said laughin, Grandbabii then snatched her wig off and my mouth hung open, That lil nigga a real nigga he just snatch his momma wig off, 'You just bad, bad as hell' Kayla said muggin Grandbabii he laughed and ran by me with the wig he then tossed it to Durk 'The fuck boy...Don't be throwin that furry ass shii on me gang' Durk said throwing back at Grandbabii, grandbabii then ran in the kitchen with her wig 'Grandbabii bring yo ass' Kayla said getting up and going into the kitchen

I then began to watch what was playin on the Tv which was, Law and Order Special Victims Unit, I love this show, I then lift my shirt up to see if I needed to change my patch I had on the wound and it was full of blood, I then tried to stand up but I stumble back a little, 'You need help' Miyah said, I shook my head no and began to get up again but slowly then I began to walk to the room in my own pace, I then felt somebody put there hand on my waist and grab my hand helping me, and I looked and seen Von 'You coulda yelled my name' He said lowly

We finally made it to the room then we went in the bathroom and I lift my shirt up and Von got a new patch then took off the old one, then cleaned my wound a little and I winced a little 'My bad lil folks' He said frownin, he then put the new patch on and pulled my shirt down then throw away all the thrash, and I began to feel a little light headed 'Can I lay down for a minute' I said rubbing my forehead a little, he then walked me to the bed and laid me down carefully

'I'ma bring yo plate up here when the food done' he said and I nodded then he kissed my forehead then my lips and pulled the covers up a little more to my neck, then he left out, and I slowly started to dose off, then 10 minutes later Von came in the room with a plate of spaghetti and garlic bread and he handed me the plate and said 'You need anything else?' He asked running his hands in my hair one time

I shook my head no then he turned on the Tv and put my show on and I began to eat, 'This food good as hell' I said with a mouth full of food, 'I know I made it' He said smiling, 'Mmcht I know yo momma cooked this' I said, 'Damn gotta expose a nigga nah but forreal I helped' He said smiling proudly, I was to busy fuckin the food up that I ani't even realize Von left and came back with my drink, 'Oh shit thank you' I said takin the cup from him and gulping the drink down

'Got damn was you hungry' he said looking at my plate, 'Boy I'm feedin for two, go on' I said wavin him off, 'You right lil folks' He said cheesin, he then grabbed my plated and my cup then left out, and I laid back down slowly then got back comfortable and began to watch Tv, 'Hey TT Niyah, I can come in hea till I weave with my momma' I nodded and he ran onto the bed and laid next to me

'I'm tired as hell' I said yawnin, 'You always tired and sleep' Grandbabii said lookin at the Tv, I hung my mouth open and said 'You know what you right, Goodnight' I then felt my self slowly dosing off, and I felt Grandbabii move closer to me, and then I went to sleep

a/n; And she didn't wake up, Nah I'm just playin😭😭







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Author Speakin;
I feel like some of y'all wanted the baby to die😭😭
Ani't nun but the damn devil😒
But frl I'm finna go to sleep, I'm deadass tired ash💀

1491 words


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