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3 weeks later

Za'miyah's POV

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Za'miyah's POV

'Happy birthday ma' I heard Durk whisper in my ear, I smiled and slowly opened my eyes, 'Thank you bae' I said pecking his lips, I then laid back down finna go back to sleep, 'Nope, getcho ass up' he said smacking my but hard, 'Owww, You dusty bitch' I said rubing my but mugging him, 'Call me a bitch again' He said choking me and hovering over me

I smiled at him and he shook his head and let me go and got out the bed and I finally got up and I stretched, I then went to the bathroom and use the bathroom then I wiped, flush the toilet, washed my hands and then brushed my teeth, then I went back in the room and Durk was just laying on the bed on his phone

As soon as I walked back into the room he stared at me, I squinted my eyes at him and said 'Stop staring at me' he then tilted his head still staring at me and said 'Why can't I stare at my girl?' I then blushed lightly slightly rolled my eyes and looked down and said 'Eye contact just makes me nervous' he chuckled a little then said 'You gon have to get use to it cause you to beautiful not to look at' I smiled at him

I then heard my phone ringing and I picked it up and seen it was Niyah calling me, I smiled and answered the phone 'Heyyy, Happy Birthday' Niyah said cheesing, I smiled and said 'Thank you' Then I heard 'Let me see the phone' then Von popped up in the camera, 'Don't snatch from me pussc boy' I heard Niyah say, I laughed and Von shook his head and said 'You betta get yo sister, befo I knock her head off'

'Anyways, Happy birthday lil sis' He said smiling, then I pouted and said 'Thank you' I then seen the phone get snatched from Von and then Niyah popped up in the camera 'And you talk about me snatchin from you' I heard Von say, 'I wanted you to see how it feels' Niyah said mugging him, then looking at me and smiling while saying 'So...what are you going to do for you birthday?' I then shrugged and said 'I just wanna go to the club and get drunk, then come back home and get some birthday dick' I said boldly

They all began to laugh while I smiled thinking about the amazing dick I could get from Durk, 'We finna get white girl wasted' Niyah said smiling stickin her tongue out, 'Hell no you not' Von quickly said 'I was deadass when I said you never drinking that again' Von said, Niyah mugged him then rolled her eyes and looked back at me on the phone and said 'Anyways, like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted' she said Sarcastically

'So you just wanna go to the club?' Niyah asked and I nodded and said 'I don't really wanna do to much, just wanna get turnt with y'all niggas' Niyah and Von laughed and Niyah said 'Ight well what time we planning on going?' Niyah asked, and I thought for a little and said shrugging 'We can go at like 8 or 9 sum' Niyah nodded and said 'Ight that's cool, we gon need a shulfer' Everybody agreed and then we talked a little more then She hung up

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