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Same Day

La'Niyah's POV

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La'Niyah's POV

'Mmcht mama let go of my hair' Von said as we was on the floor wresting because I turn the game of while he was playing it, 'No, are you gonna get me some chips' I said pausing, all you could hear was me and Von hard breathing, 'Just let my hair go' He said laughing, I laughed and then he slapped my ass hard and I screamed 

'That's what yo ass get, now let my hair go hoe' He said like a girl as he started swinging and I started swinging back 'Unt unt let my hair go bitch' I said as he had my hair, 'You ani't finna do me down bad' I said lowly as I put him in a head lock, 'Gone head tap out you know you want to' I said smirking, he then smirked back 

'I ani't going out like no hoe' he said some how flipping me, and he had my knees to my chest and he smirked and said 'Now you tap out' I ani't gon lie to y'all I couldn't breathe but I wasn't trynna go out like no pussc ass bitch, I didn't know what to do at this point, I then tapped the floor and said 'Alright you got it' he then opened my legs and placed himself between them and I wrapped my legs around him 'Gimme kiss or I'ma beat yo ass again lil folks' he said lowly

I busted out laughing and said 'Fuck on you ani't getting shit from me, I'll beat the fuck outta you, the hell' and I tried to get up but he pushed me down and grabbed my throat and began to tongue me down, I then began to pull away but he pull me back in and then gripped my neck tighter causing me to moan breathlessly he then pulled away and bit his lip at me making my coochie jump a little 'Please stop lookin at me like that' I said lowly looking away from him

He smirked at me then picked me up and laid me on the bed and then hovered over me and said looking down at me 'why can't I look at you like that?' I then bit my lip trynna to find the words to say, and I look at his chest then back at his eyes, 'It's just, that um- you -uh It makes me horny' I said nervously, He chuckled quietly and said 'Not Big daddy Von making you horny' I rolled my eyes playfully and tried to push him away while saying 'Fuck out my face, you can't take shii serious'

'I'm just playin mama but let me make you feel good' He whispered in my ear and slowly bringing his hand down to the boxers I had on and he rubbed his hand over my part repeatedly and I bit my lip trynna contain my moans 

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He then leaned down and tongued me down and slowly slide his hand into my boxers and began to rub my clit making me softly moan he then began to stick his finger in me causing me to wince a little 'Just wait a little mama' He said, slowly pumping his fingers in me and as he continued I began to feel more pleasure than pain causing me to moan 'F-fuck' Is what came out of my mouth as he began to go faster

He then stop, causing me to whine from lost of contact, 'Babyyy I want more' I said pouted, He then took off my boxers and then he positioned himself to where his face was right Infront of my part 'Damn she pretty as hell' He mumbled looking at my area, I blushed and then moan loudly once I felt Von's tongue on my clit, he first started off slow making sure I felt every little thing he did to my area, 'B-babyy' I moaned out as he began to go faster

'Hmm' He hummed against my area making me feel vibrations, making me feel a turning sensation in my stomach 'Baby m-my stomach' I stuttered trying to move away from Von, only for him to pull me back towards him and he started going faster, my hand then found it's way to Von's hair and I pulled on it causing him to groan 'I'm finna cum' I moaned out rolled my eyes back

As I came Von was doing a mixture of going slow and fast back to back making me feel so much pleasure, after I was finish with my climax Von didn't stop, He kept going I then felt his fingers go in me as he still was using his tongue on my area causing me to grab the sheets while my moth hung open, I then looked down at him as I was still gripping the sheets like my life depended on it, and he looked up at me and licked a bold strip of my clit causing me to get wetter and moan loudly

'P-please, I can't take it, it's to much' I said trying to push him away as tears began to fill my eyes, he popped my leg hard causing me to whimper, How he gon pop me because I want him to stop? This is my coochie. Right? somebody please let me know

'Shut up' he mumbled going faster making tears fall down my face as I bit my lip and gripped the sheets still

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2 hours later  

'Baby you said you were going to make me feel good not make me cry' I whinnied as Von was wiping my off with a wet rag, he laughed and found a new pair of boxers and helped me put them on 'papa my legs really hurt' I pouted he then pecked my lips and said 'I know but just imagine what this dick will do' I just laughed then he stared at me

'What' I said smiling 'you know this my pretty pussc right, If you let any other nigga touch my shii I'll kill you then I'll kill that nigga then myself so I can be with you' He said lowly, 'Woah woah Jamal don't pull out the 9' I said backing away a little, he laughed and I yawned and he smirked at me and said 'I only gave you head and you tired' I pop my neck out and folded my arms and said 'For two hours non stop Mr. Bennett'

'Ight fair enough now let's get you in this bed so you can be well rested for tonight' he said laying me down and tucking me in the bed, he then turned the Tv down a little and got in the bed with me and I turned to face him and I smiled at him lazily as my eyes were half closed 'Yo head game is A1' I said biting my lip thinking about it, he laugh and said 'Go to sleep mama' and I then snuggled into his chest and soon felt myself dosing off

'I love you and yo head' I said lightly smiling, he chuckled lightly and kissed my forehead and mumbled 'I love you more mama'

To Be Continued...






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Author Speakin;
Von makin big boy moves💯🤪
Don't play widd him he's not one of dem💅🏼

1227 words


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