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Za'Miyah's POV

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Za'Miyah's POV

'Durk where you been? I have been trying to call you and you just act like you lost your memory on how to use a fuckin phone' I said calmly while starin him down, 'Mmcht gang don't start all this shii' Durk said trynna walk past me but I got infront of him, 'Durk you know whenever I'm not with you and your out I always call you to make sure your good, so what shii am I starting, what? and I just wrong for makin sure your safe at all times' I said with my face scrunched up he then looked away from me

I then spotted on his neck multiple hickeys, 'Wow that's why you didn't answer your phone' I said tightening my jaw, 'Mmcht it's not even like that gang' He said, 'then tell me what it is? cause all of it is addin up to me' I said crossin my arms, he stayed quiet, and I scoffed and I said 'see I'm the type of female that won't just blow up in yo face and I'll let you explain, but now you being way to quiet for me and I'm contemplatin on if I should just beat yo ass now or later' I said walkin closer to him

'Look just let me get in the shower then we can talk when I get out' He said walkin past me, 'Why can't you just tell me now?' I said turning around slowly he stop in his tracks, 'You want me to tell you? Fine I cheated on you!' He yelled at me, I flinched a little then I felt tears fill my eyes, 'I poured my time, patience, and energy into you, only for you to disrespect me and be disloyal to me' I said with my voice crakin

'If you lost interest in me, why couldn't you respect me enough to tell me, I didn't need you to put me through this kinda hurt, I was hoping you wouldn't but look where were at' I said not letting my tears fall, 'Before you left out this house you said you loved me, why would you do something like this if you really loved me' I said looking at him, and he just look at me with a sorry expression, 'I ani't even tripping, matter of fact I forgive you I ani't finna hold shii against you, but I ani't finna be no stupid bitch and just stay with you, but it's just crazy I can forgive you for something you would've hated me over'

'Baby I'm so-' He began to say but I cut him off by sayin 'Nah fuck yo apology, I said I forgave you, I didn't say I wanted you to speak, I'ma gon head grab my shii and go, Lose my number, and everything you can contact me on, I'm done with chu' I said walkin past him and bumpin his shoulder, I then walked up the stairs, and I grabbed my suitcase and I grabbed my phone and quickly called Niyah, 'Hello' Niyah said in a raspy vocie, 'Hey I'm sorry for callin so late, but are you at the house' I said, 'No I'm at Von house, why what's up' she said, 'I'm finna pack all my shii and head to the house, this nigga bogus as hell on soul' I said wiping my tears

'What the fuck he do, Did he put his hands on you?' Niyah said raising her vocie, 'No he cheated on me, but I'm leavin before I put my hands on him' I said zipping up my suitcase, 'Miyah we can fix this you don't even have to leave' Durk said running into the room and trying to grab my suitcase from me, 'Ani't no fixin shii Durk, let my shii go so I can fuckin leave' I said yelling, 'Please baby' he said with pleading eyes, 'Durk don't make me get my big ass out this bed and come over there and whoop yo ass pregnant and all, give her shii back so she can go' Niyah said quickly

'Durk I'm three seconds away from knockin yo head off give me my shii' I said calmly, he then hesitated but gave me my shii, and I grabbed my keys, and walked down the stairs, and I walked out the house and slammed the door out of anger, 'Miyah just go to the house and I'll be there in a little bit' she said sighin, 'Nah I don't need you doing all that, I'll be good' I said throwing my suitcase in my car that Niyah and Von got me, 'Girl you are my sister, I'll do anything for you, and I know you need somebody right now, so I'ma be there for you like I always been' She said, I smiled and nodded 'Okay I love you' I said, 'I love you too Mymy' then I hung up

I then drove to the house and I got my suitcase out the car and I walked into the house and I sat on the couch just thinkin, minutes later Von and Niyah walked in, 'Girl Von ugly ass wouldn't let me leave the house by myself, so he came with me' Niyah said muggin him, he waved her off then sat by me and he said 'You ight lil sis?' I shrugged and said 'I'll be fine' even thought deep down I was hurtin, and I mean bad

'Twin nem bogus as hell, you want me to beat his ass for you' He said, I laughed 'Nigga shut up' I said, 'I'm serious' he said, I nodded and said 'I know' then Niyah came out of the kitchen with a bag of chips and a bowl of popcorn and said 'Whos ready for movie night' I smiled, I'm glad I have these two on my side to help me







Mama V-

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Author Speakin;
Damn I'm finna kill Durk ass tonight ONG👍🏼😁
btw Niyah is 6 months now

1038 words


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