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Same day

La'Niyah's POV

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La'Niyah's POV

They had me sitting in this hard ass chair, with my hands cuffed to the table, in the this small ass room with one light over my head, Two men then came in, one sat Infront of me and looked at me, 'We know you killed Kiara' He said, 'Ion know who told you that shii, where it happen at? what time? how did it happen? you don't even know nun bruh, c'mon don't be stupid' I said rolling my eyes

He then stared at me for a few seconds then said 'Why did you do it' I scrunch my face up and said 'Why you gone ask me about some shii you didn't see, like that's probably what you was told, but did you see it happen, if not don't do no more talkin

'STOP TALKING' he yelled at me, and I smirked at him, I'ma kill him next, he got me fucked up, I mean all the way fuck up. I miss my baby man, I wish he was holdin me right now, man these pop belly bitches got me fucked up, 'We would like to know why you killed her' the man asked again, can this nigga not hear, fuck is wrong with him

'Where's the evidence' I said nonchalantly, they paused and I smirked and said 'did you know If there is no evidence against me, under the law, it simply is not possible for the prosecutor's office to obtain me at trial.' they then began to scatch their necks 'Oop' I said looking down then back up, they then walked out leavin me in the room

I then started thinkin of something I can say if they get evidence, even though I know their not, I wish I could talk my ass to sleep with Von, I tired of they shii, 'Well looks like we got something' one of the officers said holding some papers in his hand

'In this picture is you getting in a car, that looks to be a black charger, so would you like to tell us, what you where doing' the officer said I just thankful Von wasn't in the picture 'I was just going on a drive to clear my mind, I just figure out my mom is on drugs and my sister is having a bad time and I just didn't know what else to do at the time so I thought a good drive at night would do it' I said putting my lie together

I don't care what they find, or what they think they know, if they take me down, Von Is not going down with me and I stand on that, Gotta keep big daddy Von out of jail, I want him to make his momma proud, and be there for his nephew and sister and he can't do that in jail, so if they lock me up, They just gone have me, but they ani't gettin Von and I'll make sure of it

The two men then looked at each other, then said 'Well since we have evidence well be takin this to trial' then they walked out, They doing way to much, it was never this serious, they deadass got what like one picture and they think they got evidence, it's gone take more than one picture to take a bad bitch like me down

 'What the fuck' Miyah screamed as I just finish tellin Durk and Miyah what happen, 'Damn, has she called you' Durk asked and I shook my head no 'Damn I miss ha ass' I said rubbing my hand down my face, 'It's alright, I know ha ass miss you too' D...

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 'What the fuck' Miyah screamed as I just finish tellin Durk and Miyah what happen, 'Damn, has she called you' Durk asked and I shook my head no 'Damn I miss ha ass' I said rubbing my hand down my face, 'It's alright, I know ha ass miss you too' Durk said patting my back, 'Shii just crazy gang, then it's like why they had to grab ha so hard' I said getting heated all over again

I then heard my phone ringing and I quickly grabbed it and answered it 'Hello' I said, 'Hey baby' Niyah said on the phone, I immediately smile just hearin her voice, 'You alright gang?' I asked worriedly, 'I'm good but they talkin bout takin this shii to trial, and Bae guess what' She said smaking her teeth I laughed 'What is it mama' I said, 'They got one piece of evidence and it's one picture, now tell me how the fuck' she said irritated, I bussed out laughin and said 'You serious lil folks'

'I'm so fuckin serious, like they really pissin me off they got me in this bitch cause they found a picture of me gettin in a car, What the fuck type shii, like I get in a car almost everyday, and I happen to get in a car the day Kiara dies and I'm just arrested and they think I killed ha' She said sighin, I laughed, this girl funny as fuck, she sayin all this shii knowin dawn well we killed her

'Mmcht you know they only doing this cause I'm black, they see my blackness as a weapon, I don't understand these white folks' She said, and I smiled as she talked, this why I love you she always makes me smile and laugh even on my terrible days, 'I miss you' I said looking down, 'I miss you too baby, but don't worry I'ma be home' she said, 'I know, I love you' I said sighin, 'I love you too boy, make sure you watch out for my lil sister' she said then the phone hung up

'Y'all I'm finna cry, this shii heartbreakin' I said layin back on the couch and scrollin through pictures of me and Niyah, 'you got us' Miyah said, I then mugged her playfully and said 'Fuck y'all both, the fuck' Miyah hung her mouth open, 'Mmcht girl I'm just playin but I'm finna try and take a nap to try and get my mind off my wife' I said getting up

I then walked into the room and I plopped on the bed, and I looked at my home screen as it was a picture of me and Niyah smiling at each other, I smiled then turned my phone off and laid down and soon felt myself fallin asleep







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Author Speakin;
Man somebody please Niyah me becuz, she a real one❤🥺
Just so y'all knw I don't knw how all this jail, and trial shii work😬
So bare with me😁❤

1117 words


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