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La'Niyah's POV

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La'Niyah's POV

'So you where taking a drive by your self correct' A man asked me, as we was at trial and they had me sittin next to the judge and answerin question, Miyah, Durk, Mama V, and Von where in the way back, 'Yes' I said nodding, 'you didn't meet up with anybody or nothing' the man asked, 'No I just thought it was smart to be by myself at the time' I said 

'I've also heard that Dayvon Bennett is your partner, you sure you didn't meet up with him or anything' he asked and I immediately had to think of something, 'No, actually Dayvon was at the studio with Durk Banks at the time working on new songs for an album' I said calmly while glancing at Von, who was smirking lightly, I don't know how I'm coming up with this shii but damn I'm good

'No more further questions your honor' the man said sitting down, and I smirked, 'well how do you plead?' the judge said, 'innocent until proven guilty' I said slightly smirkin at man that was questioning me as he ramble threw paper and stuff, He then began to scratch the back of his neck while still trynna find something on me, as I just looked dead at him

the man then when up to the judge and whispered something, and the judge nodded, then the man went and sat back down, 'the defendant has been proven not guilty' the judge said making me smile, 'I know I'm innocent I ani't killed ha' I said calmly, while smirkin, the officers then took the cuffs off me and I walked up to Miyah, Durk Von, and Mama V and then we all grouped hugged

then Von kissed me and we both smiled through the kiss 'When we get home I got sum fa you' Von whispered in my ear making me wet, and I bit my lip and then we all headed out and headed back to the house, and then Mama V stayed for a while then she left, and then Durk and Miyah left after

and then Von pulled me up stairs, and shut the door and kissed me and I kissed back 'I miss you so much gang' he said through the kiss while walkin and he then pushed me on the bed, and I smiled

⚠ (play the song)


He slid Niyah clothes off slowly and he took off his Pants and Shirt, making Niyah bit her lip as she analyzed his body slowly and Von smiled at her, Dayvon wasn't just plannin on fuckin her, he wanted to make love to her, to show her how much he loved and appreciated her, Von hands roamed her body slowly as he began to leave hickeys on her neck and chest causin Niyah to moan, and bit her lip

He then began to rub her clit then he moved his face down by her area and he blew his breath on her clit making Niyah shiver and gasp a little, he then began to plant kissin on her area 'Stop teasin me' Niyah said sexually frustrated, She wanted Von more than ever, she loved his touch, his kisses, everything. He then licked a bold strip of her clit and she moan and he began to eat her out slowly

'Fuck' Niyah softly moaned out, turnin Von on, he continued to eat her out slowly, as if he was makin out with her clit, 'Babyyy' Niyah moaned out biting her lip and grabbing the sheets as her eyes rolled back, 'Fuck I miss you daddy' Niyah mumbled looking down at him and he looked up meetin eye contact causing Niyah to get wetter

Von then groaned sendin Niyah over the max, 'I'm finna cum' Niyah said buckin her hips makin her feel more pleasure, 'BABYY FUCKK' She screamed out as she began to cum, Dayvon smirked as he contiued to eat her out and watch her at the same time

Von then got up as she finished her climax and he positioned himself Infront of her entrance, and he bit his lip as he slowly slid in, 'Shit tight and wet as hell' he mumbled smirkin, he then began to thrust in and out of her slowly, and he leaned down and then kissed her and she kissed back, Von then gave her one deep stroke causing her to break the kiss and moan, and he keep doing it, and wrapped her arms around him, and she began to scratch his back as he began to play with her clit and give her slow and deep strokes

He winced a little, but still keep going, he love that he made her feel like this, and he love the way she made him feel, Dayvon and Niyah then make eye contact as he began to put her legs on his shoulders, and he began to give her more slow and deep stokes, while still maintainin eye contact

this wasn't just ordinary sex, this was something different, and they both knew it, the two were going to be experiencing soul ties after today, the two were going to be closer than ever before, 'I'm finna cum' Niyah mumbled bringing Von closer to her and tighten her walls, and He slightly moaned from the feelin, then groaned once she did it again 'Fuck gang' He groaned, the two then both reached their climax and rode out their high while smiling at each other

He then began to pull out and slide back in slowly repeatedly making Niyah moan, and he smirked at her then pulled out slowly and Niyah then slowly began to fall alseep, Von picked her up causing her to slowly open her eyes, then he walked into the bathroom and sat her on the toilet, and she peed then wiped then flushed the toliet and she put her arms out cause she couldn't get up

and Von chuckled a little and said 'Fuck them legs up ani't?' then he picked her up and walked back into the room and laid her down and put the covers over her then he got in the bed and pulled her closer to him, making both their naked body's touch, 'I love you' Niyah mumbled half asleep, 'I love you too mama' He said smiling and kissing her forehead

The two were just happy to be in each others arms again







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Author Speakin;
Okay y'all choose A or B or C, PICK WISELY
I'm tellin you, Think long and hard
And don't be no copycat and pick what everybody else pick
Pick what you want to pick

1144 words


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