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Same day

La'Niyah's POV

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La'Niyah's POV

We finally pulled up to the studio, and we was making our way inside. We finally make it inside and Durk and Miyah was smoking and it was a few other people 'Wassup gang nem' Von said dapping up Durk and hugging Miyah I smiled at Miyah and hugged her, And I waved at everybody else cause I didn't wanna be rude, and Von sat down and sat me in his lap 

Von then lit a blunt and took a few puffs then passed it to me and I took a few puffs, and we was just passing it to each other. A few hours later Three girls walked in loud ash, Causing me to shake my head lightly, 'Heyyyy y'all' One of the girls said smacking her gum, she then looked at me and mugged me, then sat down on the other side of the room with her friends

I then looked at Niyah and she looked back at me with a face that said 'I peeped' I nodded softly and then went on my phone minding my business, Von then went in the booth and was rapping, and as he was rapping he was looking at me, making me have a second heartbeat but we ani't gon speak on that  

Once he was done they did a few little touch ups on it then he came and sat back down and sat me in his lap, and he then gently rubbed my thigh causing me to bit my lip slightly, He better stop I'm already horny, 'You know I can feel that' Von whispered in my ear, 'Feel what?' I ask genuinely confused 'I can feel you throbbin' He said lowly while rubbing against my coochie softly, I softly moan and I grabbed his wrist and he chuckled quietly and stopped

I then turned around and looked at him and mugged him and he just smiled at me. We then was just still chilling and smoking and shiid, but them girls was still mugging and looking between me and Niyah, and saying shii and laughing, these Bitches is childish ash, This why I can't stand bitches, do to fuckin much

Von then got up again and was talking to Durk about something and Miyah was sitting by me now 'Fuck they got going on?' Miyah said nodded her head towards them three girls, I shrugged and said 'Ion know but I beat bitches with bricks so it ani't nun' Miyah laughed and shook her head, A few minutes later two of the girls came and sat by me and Niyah leaving the other girl other there with some dude

'Heyyy I'm Kiara nice to meet you' Kiara said fake smiling at me, I nodded my head at her even though I wanted to say 'Yo name could be doe re mi and I'm still not gon give a fuck, fuck you tellin me fa?', 'Mm Who y'all here with?' She asked me and Niyah share a quick glance, and I just nodded my head towards Von and Durk, and she laughed along with her friend, 

'Girl you act like you can't speak, you not even all that bitch, shii Von still be in my phone trynna fuck' her friend then said 'Durk be in mine shii to' I then laughed and said 'Girl You a fuckin comedian' She saying this shii but Von deadass let's me get in his phone at anytime, and is always with me, I hate bitches that lie

'I'm just coming to you as a women' She said shrugging, I then said 'Okay, and you can go to the hospital as a patient bitch' She then scrunched her face up and said 'Don't call me a bitch the fuck' I then tilt my head and said 'You say don't call you a bitch but you bitchin'  She then rolled her eyes then said 'It be the ugly bitches-' but I cut her off by standing up and saying loudly 'I don't take that bitch word lightly' She then stood up and said 'Ani't gone do a bitch ass thing

'You trynna nut up or sum' I said balling my fist up, 'Y'all ani't on shit' Her friend said all up in Niyah face, 'Shut the fuck up before I knock yo head off yo shoulders, And back up from my sister' I said looking over at her I then looked back at Kiara and said 'Ong you need to keep that bitch pushing' I'm trynna give this girl a chance at life but she keep playing and she gon be on a shirt and the news

It's to many securities in this building for me to beat this bitch ass, she betta get the fuck fa I happily beat ha ass, I then sat back down as both of them walked away, Miyah then sat down too, She stupid asf tryinn bitch me out over dis shit, These bitches really be played out, This whole fuckin situation is just Irkin me, deadass killin me, At this point I'm ready to go home

A few minutes later Me and Miyah was just talking and I then hear 'Stupid bitch' and I felt water being splashed on my face, I quickly hop up and Grabbed that bitch Kiara by hair since she wanna try and run and I yanked her ass to the floor and I stomped her head and she started bleeding then I felt myself being pulled away then Von got Infront of me holding my arms to my side then whispered in my ear 'You gotta calm down, It's to many folks in this place

I nodded trynna calm myself down cause I felt my breathing become unsteady, But it wasn't working I needed to get out of this room, It was to many people, 'Von just let me go outside' I said as my chest felt as if it was closin in, He looked at me and quickly walked me outside

'Mama Listen to me, Look at the sign and count to 10 slowly' He said once we got outside, I did as he said and felt myself slowly calming down, 'Here drink some water' He said handing me a water bottle, 'Shii was you thirsty?' He said laughing as I drunk the whole bottle without stopping, I laughed and threw the bottle away, then I seen Kiara and her home girls coming out the building carrying Kiara and I then said to Von lowly 

'alright here's what we gone do, I'ma shoot ha then you gon act like the most drugged out nigga on da fuckin block. ight? ight.' He laughed but I was most definitely serious 'You gon have to get them bitch another time just not here, You ani't finna be going to jail' He said, I then thought about it and he right 'I- you know what bet, you right' I said thinking of ways I'm going to kill them

Niyah and Durk then came out and walk over to where Me and Von was 'You straight gang?' Durk asked me and I nodded and Niyah said laughing 'I ani't never seen you hop up so quick, Thought you was the flash' I laughed and shook my head, Niyah can't take shii serious, 'We gon head to my house' Von said dapping Durk up and Hugging Niyah and I hugged Niyah and Hugged Durk 'Ight y'all be safe' Durk said, Me and Von both hopped in the car and began to head to Von house

Once we made it back, We both got in the shower and then got out brushing our teeth and I did my face car and I slipped a pair of his boxers and one of his white tee's with no bra, and me and him was just laying down chilling, then out of nowhere he lifted my shirt and licked my nipple then began to suck it I bit my lip and said 'Baby what-' but I got cut off by him sucking hard causing me to moan 

He laughed and then started massaging my tittie, 'Why you keep doing that?' I said mugging him, he laughed 'You not ready for big man gang' He said looking down at his print, I rolled my eyes and pulled him closer then I felt myself drifting to sleep 'I love you Von' I said 'I love you too Niyah' He mumbled






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Author Speakin;
What y'all think gon happen next?😏
Von getting touchy ani't it?🤔‼😏

1438 words


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