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Dayvon's POV

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Dayvon's POV

'MAAA!' I yelled out walking into my ma house 'Boy stop yellin in my damn house, you bringin in negative energy when you do that, so if you gon keep doin it get da hell out' She said walking down the stairs 'Ma I need help' I said running my hand down my face I followed her into the kitchen 'What is it boy?' She said giving me her full attention 

'Ok so you remember Niyah the one I was talking to you about?' I asked to make sure she on the same page 'Mhm' she nodded and I sighed and said 'Ma I don't know if I love this girl or what but it's like a feeling I get when ever she around, when she touches me, talks to me, kisses me, looks at me, anything and the way she makes me feel is something I never felt or experienced with any other girl'

'And then it's like she my best friend and girl friend at the same time like I can vent to her without her judging me and I could cry to her and she wouldn't laugh, then she been through so much and it just amazes me every day I look at her I think to myself this is a strong beautiful black women' I said smiling just thinking about her

'It's like she has this spell or something on me, see look this one time we was just staring at each other and I got chills and shi- stuff' I said cutting my self off because my momma like to throw things 'I even woke up because I couldn't feel her next to me and it's like everywhere I go I want her there with me and I like being laid up under her' I said smiling lightly 'And then even if I do love her I don't want her to be like you moving to fast or something' I said as the thought just popped up in my head

Once I was finally done ranting I looked at my mom who was just looking at me cheesing 'Not my babyboy in love' she said smiling lightly putting her hand over her heart I laughed then sighed and said 'Ma I think I really do love her' she then said 'Baby You do love her I can tell by the way you talked about her when you talk about her you smile and your eyes lit up'

'You might even be attached' she said smiling lightly and I thought about it for a little and then I nodded 'It's called emotionally attached' she said I then said 'I never thought I would get attached to someone' I shook my head lightly and smiled 

'Now all you have to do is tell her, tell her when you feel comfortable telling her and don't get mad if she doesn't say it back because if you really love her you would wait until she is comfortable telling you, sometimes you gotta drive Mrs. Daisy and take it slow with women's feelings because if you move to fast then you'll have her overthinking later on in the future and it'll turn things complicated' she said wiping a few dishes dry before putting them up

I nodded and seconds later Kayla came downstairs with grandbabii 'What's up lil nigga' I said to Grandbabii 'What's up Uncle' he said, 'What you doing here?' Kayla said scrunchin her face up 'I can't come visit' I said confused ash 'Mmcht I wasn't even sayin it like that' she said I wave her off  and ma said 'So when you play on bringing her over' I then went deep into thought for a minute 'I don't even know cause she got bad anxiety and she be nervous ash around people she don't know'

'Awww poor baby, well make sure she comfortable with comin and let me know' ma said I nodded and went over to grandbabii 'You wanna come with me?' I asked him he nodded quickly and I went to ask Kayla can come with me 

'Kayla can Grandbabii come with me to ma girl house and spennanite' I asked hoping she would say yes 'Yeah I got appointments today anyways' she said waving me off 'Ight love you gang' I said 'Love you too' she said back I then grabbed his bag and then kissed my ma forehead 'Thank you ma and I love you' I said smiling at her and she smiled back and said 'Anytime my boy and I love you too'

'Ight come Grandbabi' I said he then came running with his shoes on, we then hopped in the car and I pulled off 'What you want to eat lil folks?' he then said 'chic-fa-la' I then got him his food and then I went to Wendy's cause I know Nyny don't like chic-fa-la, I got me and her food and I headed to her house

we got out the car and I knocked on the door and maybe about 5 minutes later she opened the door with a big smile on her face 'Hey baby' she said excitedly I laughed a little and said 'Hey mama' Grandbabii waved and Nyny then said 'Hey Grandbabii I heard so much about you' he smiled at her and she smiled back 'You want some cookies?' she asked him and he said 'Yess please' and then she grabbed his hand leading him to the kitchen and she gave him 3 cookies on a napkin and I got me some off the tray

she then whispered something in his ear and he laughed and nodded and smiled then they both ran upstairs I shrugged it off and continued to munch on these cookies moments later they both cam down with a nurf gun and I felt a nurf bullet hit me and I looked and seen that Granbabii did it and I quickly ran and got my nurf gun and fired one at him then at Nyny 'Got both of y'all on foenem' I said then I felt another nurf bullet hit me 'Shoot Grandbabii' Nyny said and he shot me and ran by her


Once we got done playing we all took a shower me and Nyny showered together and Nyny help Grandbabii wash up and got him dressed in his sleep clothes and everything we we're now laying down eating snacks and watching Incredibles 2, this movie actually good 'Look at the fire baby' Grandbabii said pointing to the screen I look over and seen Nyny knocked out causing me to chuckle softly 

I admire her for a little until I heard light snores and I looked down and seen Grandbabii knocked out so I just decided to go to sleep as well






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Author Speakin;
Oop  😙😏
Von know he love dat girl😏❤

1178 words


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