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2 months later

'Damn my back hurt' I said stretchin a little, then sittin down by Von, me and Von were just at the house chillin, Miyah upstairs sleep, she doing way much better, yesterday we all went out to eat then we was going store to store buyin stuff for t...

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'Damn my back hurt' I said stretchin a little, then sittin down by Von, me and Von were just at the house chillin, Miyah upstairs sleep, she doing way much better, yesterday we all went out to eat then we was going store to store buyin stuff for the baby, and I made sure to get stuff for my hospital bag for when I get ready to have the babies, 

'Shii I know it do' Von said lookin at my stomach, then I felt a hard kick, and I scrunched my face up and held my stomach a little, 'You ight lil folks?' Von said lookin at me concerned, 'Yeah I'm good they just kickin hard today' I said groanin a little, 'Y'all gotta chill out y'all kickin mommy to hard gang' Von said talkin to my stomach he then kissed my stomach and rubbed it a little, and I smiled

'you can get me a snack' I said lookin over at Von he Nodded and hopped up going into the itchen and then comin back with some M&Ms and Cheeto puff, I smiled and he handed it to me, 'Thank you' I said opening my M&Ms and eatin them. Minutes late Miyah walked down that stairs, pattin her head hard as hell, 'I just know yo head don't itch that bad' I said muggin her, 'the fuck it do, feel like my shii dry as hell' she said, then she walked into the kitchen and came back out with a water bottle

then she sat on the couch and put her feet on my lap and I mugged her hard and said 'Girl I'll beat yo lil dumbass, you know ion like feet' I said pushin her feet off me, 'My bad damn' she said throwin her feet up on the couch, I then felt the urge to pee, so I got up and Von said 'Where you goin' and then I said 'To the bathroom' he nodded and I wobbled to the bathroom, then once I shut the door wet stuff started running down my leg, 'I just know I ani't piss on myself, I am to big fa that' I mumbled

I then looked down and I seen a puddle of water, 'Am I trippin or did my water just break' I mumbled lookin down still, I then felt a sharp pain on my side 'Oh shiii' I said groanin, 'It's not even the 9th month yet, y'all trippin' I said lookin at my stomach, 'Uh Von...Miyah' I yelled, they both came and seen the water on the floor, Von quickly picked me up and went down the stairs, 'Miyah grabbed the hospital bag right there'  Von said she quickly grabbed it and Von quickly got me into the car and Von got in then Miyah

'What the fuck' I said as I started to feel contractions, they was hurtin like a bitch, 'Hold on we almost there' Von said holdin my hand, I then began to cry as the pain was getting worse, he finally pulled up to the hospital and Von grabbed me and Miyah grabbed the bag, 'Aye y'all my wife going into labor' Von said, I like how he call me his wife and he ani't put a ring on it, makes me feel so loved

Nurses then put me on a hospital bed 'Can my sister come to' I said to one nurse, 'Uh yeah' she said then Miyah began to walk with us to the labor room, they then put me in the room and I screamed as I began to feel a horrible pain, 'Can I get something to make the pain stop' I said cryin, Von held my hand tight, 'uh Is your contractions getting stronger or closer together or both' the nurse said 'Both' I said squeezing my eyes together as I felt another sharp pain

'Oh... um your finna go into labor' then nurse said, 'What' I said, 'Yes ma'am, I'm gonna need you to push' then nurse said, everything is just going so fast, 'Von why did you have to nut in me' I asked groanin and squeezin his hand, 'to let you know you ani't going nowhere' he said smirkin, 'You bitch' I said shakin my head at him, 'Alright mom push on the count of three' the nurse said, '1...2...3' she said and I began to push, and I screamed as well, Miyah then looked down at my coochie and she said 'Oh shit, I just seen the head' Miyah said then she fainted

One nurse the quickly picked her up and laid her on the bench, 'Push' the nurse said, and I began to push extremely hard, and I heard a cry, 'alright mom 1 down 1 more to go' the nurse said smiling and handin then baby to a nurse, 'Alright push for me' the nurse said and I pushed  hard and then felt myself getting weak, 'I can't' I said crying, 'Mama you got it, just do one more hard push an it will be over, squeeze my hand if you need to' he said slightly smiling at me, and I nodded and he wiped my tears then peck my lips

'That's the spirit, now give me one big push' the nurse said smiling, I then began to push again, and I began to squeeze Von's hand, then I heard another cry, 'Alright mom you did it' she said, I then smiled weakly, and let go of Von's hand, and he kissed my forehead, 'alright do you wanna cut the umbilical cord' the nurse said to Von, he cheesed and walked over then he cut both of the cords on the babies

and he helped clean the babies, then the nurse asked 'What are y'all namin them' I then smiled at Von and he smiled back at me and I said looking back at the nurse 'for the girl, Kimani Naveah Bennett' I said, 'And for lil man, Devonte Amaree Bennett' Von said, 'Those are so cute' the nurse said smiling, a nurse then handed me Kimani, while Von helded Devonte, 'Hey lil mama' I said smiling at her, and she smiling a little 'Aww' I said pouting, 'What did I miss' Miyah said wakin up, 'Girl you miss everything' I said laughin softly

'OMG they so fuckin cute' Miyah said lookin at both of them

'OMG they so fuckin cute' Miyah said lookin at both of them

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Von then sat on the bed beside me, 'Hey handsome man' I said smiling at Devonte, and he smiled a little at me, 'Wait so I really passed out' Miyah said with one hand on her hip and the other one scatchin her head, 'Girl yes as soon as the head sta...

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Von then sat on the bed beside me, 'Hey handsome man' I said smiling at Devonte, and he smiled a little at me, 'Wait so I really passed out' Miyah said with one hand on her hip and the other one scatchin her head, 'Girl yes as soon as the head started to come out' I said laughin and Von laughed with me, 'Shii I gotta pee now' Miyah said running to the bathroom

I shook my head and looked back down at Kimani as she was sleeping peacefully, 'I got y'all for life fashoo' Von said lookin at the babies then me and I smiled and said 'And we got you too' he smiled back then leaned over a little and pecked my lips







Mama V-

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Author Speakin;
I gotta surprise for y'all

1274 words


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