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The tension could be felt miles away now that Josh had entered my room and was standing where Lucas was just minutes ago. He, on the other side, hadn't move an inch and remained standing still beside me, looking back at Josh who still held up that stare back at us.

Time seemed to have frozen to me but it only had been a couple of seconds since everything had happened: the question, the kiss, Josh... and that explained why my heart keep beating as fast as I felt it since Lucas grabbed my face. Maybe now even faster as I felt the fear starting to invade me.

—So you're just... you're just going to say nothing? —Josh babbled between the silence making clear by his tone how angry he really was.

—This is not what... —Lucas spoke walking a few steps towards Josh.

—Lucas, please —I begged, making him stop, unsure of what he was going to say or do.

—No, no —Josh intervened again—. Let him finish. I want to know why the hell is another guy kissing you in your room.

I doubt Josh was doing any effort on hiding how mad he really was, just by his face it made it pretty clear and now the harsh of his words made both Lucas and I swallow, as we stared him in front of us.

—Y-You said it yourself —Lucas kept babbling—. I was the one who kissed Maya. I came here without letting her know and I just asked her to hear me out. She has nothing to do with any of this.

Although every word that was coming out from Lucas's mouth was true, nothing could make my heartbeat slow down, not after seeing Josh clench his jaw and close his fists in a clear sign that he wasn't buying a word and honestly, I couldn't blame him. Not after confessing him what had happened between us.

—Ok then... —Josh grunted—. Then let me ask you this, why the hell are you kissing my girlfriend?!

It only took Josh to spit out those words to approach Lucas dangerously which inevitably, made me rush to get in the middle of them before anything remotely could happen. Nevertheless, my quick move didn't stop neither Lucas or Josh to broke those deadly stares that they were giving to each other.

—She isn't your girlfriend.

—That doesn't change the fact that she's with me —Josh snapped, barely letting Lucas finish his sentence.

—Look, I told you the truth, alright? I was the one who kissed her, so if you have a problem, you have it with me.

—Oh, trust me, this is with you.

Josh fumed as he leaned closer to Lucas making him able to push him away which clearly pissed Lucas off, since, without losing a second, approached Josh back making me push them both away before things heated up any further.

I knew Josh didn't get mad easily, but I knew Lucas as well, and he sure was know for losing his cool very badly, especially when someone provoked him just like Josh had done now.

—I'm just going to say this once: you better leave Maya alone for once and all if you don't want this problem to be more serious than it already is —Josh demanded, pointing a finger at Lucas.

—I'm not going to do so just because you ask me, alright? Maya is free to hang out with whoever she wants to and you shouldn't mind it.

Josh chuckled—. You're right, I shouldn't and trust me, I wouldn't be doing it if this was the first time you've crossed the line with her.

Lucas sighed—. Look man, if you're talking about what happened yesterday then it was also my fault, alright? I was the one who kissed her as well and in fact, that's why I came here in the first place, to apologize to her.

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