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A hardly perceptible sigh escaped from my mouth just as I finished up the combination of my locker making this one open up. It only had been a couple of days that I had missed school but for some reason, everything around me felt so strange.

To think about how much things could change in just two days still didn't add up in my mind, nevertheless I needed to get used to how things were just a few weeks ago, although it seemed impossible.

—Hey Maya.

A side smile appeared on my face as the sound of that very familiar and optimistic voice greeted me, making me turn without any sort of hesitation.

—Hey guys —I did my best to return them with the same happiness that Farkle had just greeted me with.

—I'm glad you're back —he talked again.

—How you feeling? —Smackle questioned immediately.


—Zay told us you were feeling a little sick so that's why we couldn't visit you home —he explained this time.

—The night of the bonfire was really cold so maybe you...

—No, it wasn't anything like that, I...

I didn't let Smackle finish up her sentence, only making both them exchange confused glances at each other. It was nice of Zay to cover me up with them but I was done with the lies and secrets. Farkle and Smackle were friends and I wanted to tell them the truth as well.

—A lot happened this days.

—What do you mean? You wanna tell us?

I opened my mouth ready to speak, but as soon as I did that, the bell started ringing which somehow made me feel some kind of relief. I still wasn't sure if I could confess everything without busting into tears and a few minutes before class wasn't the best time to do so.

—Yes, I want to, but maybe later —I said closing up my locker—. We should get going to class.

Both Farkle and Smackle stared me down for a few seconds in bewilderment before she finally nodded her head, finally starting to walk towards the classroom.

—Well, we're glad you're back today, Maya —Smackle prompted again.

—Yes, because we've been talking to some of Josh's friends since the night of the bonfire and they told us that they could give us a tour at the campus and introduce us to some of their professors today —Farkle added.

—And we were thinking that maybe you could tell Josh so that you can join us.

—I think it would be fun and it's a nice chance to make some good impressions.

I inevitably stopped, causing both of them to do the same and once again, they gave me those confusing stares for my sudden reaction.

—It sounds nice guys but Josh and I, we... we aren't together anymore.

I prompted being incapable of controlling the words that came out my mouth and in a snap, their faces changed from confusion to shock and I don't blame them, the last thing they had seen was Josh and I being happy as ever only two days ago, because truly we were, even when I was suffering because Lucas.

—Oh, then we... we can cancel them —Farkle mumbled after a few seconds of pure silence.

—No, it's ok guys —I quickly replied—. You should still go.

Farkle denied—. No, it's fine Maya, we...

—Trust me —I interrupted him again—. Even that we're not together anymore we agreed that we're still up for the long game so, I'm fine.

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