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Knock, knock.

I opened my eyes as fast as I could when that sudden knock on the door made me wake up from the deep sleep I was in.

It only took me a couple of seconds to get fully awake, or awake enough to realize that I wasn't the only one who had awakened, because, next to me was him.

Oh no.

Knock, knock.

The knocks sounded again forcing both of us to turn to each other terrified. This couldn't be happening.

You'll be late for school, kiddo.

My dad talked from the other side of the door and all I could do was pray for him to not open the door, otherwise I was finish.

—I'm up, dad —I responded trying my best to not sound nervous, which I clearly was.


He simply said and the steps of him walking away could be heard making me let go a deep sigh in relief. I closed my eyes again and buried my face in my pillow thanking that he didn't enter my room as he used to do every time he waked me up.

—That was close.

Although I was clearly aware he was right next to me, Josh's voice still made me jump out scared and I turned to face him again only realizing for the first time that my arm was around his chest and his was under my body making us be only inches apart from each other, in what could be nothing more than a hug.

I quickly moved away letting his arm go and I sat down on my bed while he did the same in the opposite direction making us face again, this time, with a lot more inches in between.

—I can't believe I fell asleep —he spoke after a silence.

—Neither do I —I said grabbing my hair in disbelief—. I don't remember us falling asleep.

I hid my face in my legs without knowing how something like this could had happened. Sure I forced him to stay after he tried to go last night, but I seriously thought it would only be a matter of hours before he was out like he never was there in the first place. Guess I was wrong.

—Yeah —he exclaimed—. Last thing I remember was you talking about Gimbo the Elf.

I raised my face, as pale as a paper, after hearing him say that. He smiled and once again, I prayed, this time for the earth to swallowed me.

—I told you I had learned by now —he continued, amused—. No blackouts for me.

I couldn't believe I told him about that, much less that he remembered it, since, as bad as it was, it was definitely not the most embarrassing thing I told him last night being more than sure that he wasn't going to remember anything, not even being in my room in the first place.

I was wrong again. Not only he remembered that —and probably all of our talk— but he was still there... in my bed.

—I can't believe I told you that —I said, denying with my head.

—You told me a lot more than that —he laughed this time.

—Oh yeah? —I inquired crossing my arms—. You also told me a lot of things... until you started singing.

Josh now opened his eyes bigger than ever. Guess he didn't remember everything after all.

—Country isn't your forte, you know?

I joked giving him a challenging look and it wasn't long until we both started laughing. At least I wasn't the only one who made a fool out of herself.

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