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—I still have feelings for you, Maya...


—I need to understand how you feel about me...


—I just want to understand what kind of game are you playing with me...


That sudden voice dragged me out of my thoughts to realize that I was sitting on the table next to my parents that now were watching me with confused expressions on their faces.

I looked at both of them before letting go a deep sigh. Once again my mind was forcing me to revive what happened last night, the same way it did all night keeping me up like I thought I already had overcome.

But I truly deserved it this time. I deserved every inch of guilt that was running through my body since the moment Lucas and I separated from that kiss. From the kiss I corresponded to him.

—I'm sorry —I mumbled after their stares continued being locked on me.

—What's going on, kiddo? —my dad asked now frowning.

—N-Nothing... I just...

—Are you feeling ok, baby girl? —inquired my mom, this time grabbing my face with her hand to inspect it—. You look pale and your eyes are so red.

I pulled away—. It's nothing mom... I slept late, that's just it.

That and that I spent all night crying too.

—I told your mother it wasn't a good idea to let you go to that college party on a school night —Shawn rushed to intervene.

—She was here a little past midnight, we know she's used to sleep later than that Shawn, so I don't think that's it —my mom clarified—. Maya, did something happened last night?

I felt like throwing up just by hearing my mom's question. My eyes started to get watery making me clench my jaw forcing the tears to stay inside my eyes but I wasn't sure how long could I keep them inside, not after feeling their deep stares over me.

The buzz of our apartment's doorbell forced them to focus on the door leaving me time to close my eyes and wipe out the tears that rolled trough my cheeks due to that action before they could even noticed it.

—I got it.

My dad said as he stood up from the table, walked to this one and opened it reveling the person behind it.

Everything happened so quickly that I didn't even have time to panic about who the person behind the door might be, but I can assure I was glad as hell to see Zay behind this one, knowing that the chances of being the last person I wanted to see today were huge after I had ignored every single one of his texts and calls after walking away from him last night.

—Hey, Zay —Shawn smiled at him—. It's been a while. Come in.

—Thanks, Mr. Hunter —he smiled back at him.

—Come on, we already talked about this...

—You're right, I'm sorry —he chuckled—. Thanks Shawn.

—I'm glad to see you Zay —now my mom greeted him—. We have missed you around here.

—Yeah, I've been busy with practices and stuff... —he responded scratching his scruff.

—We're also glad that you're here because now you can tell us if something happened last night. Maya is been acting weird all morning and we know you went with her.

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