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—So as you know, midterms just finished...

Mr. Byrne spoke placing the chalk on the board and turning to face the entire class. Yup, another day, another history class.

—And I've decided that due to your incompetent performance on the test... I'm going to give you a chance to offset your scores so your permanent records are not affected... with a project.

I rolled my eyes and probably half of the class did too. Mr. Byrne wasn't this nice and this project only sounded like it was going to be worse than his stupid midterm.

—This project will become half of your grade and it will be about our current topic: World War II and here's the twist —he said drawing a smile on his face—. It will be in pairs that I'm of course, choosing myself.

There it was. He hated us. He hated us as much as we hated him so it was more than obvious that he was going to pair us with the people that we hated the most only so we could fail at this project too.

—I've already choose the pairs based on your results on the test so that both of you work equally for the same result.

He continued now grabbing a piece of paper from his desk that could be no other than the pair's list.

—Smackle and Minkus. Our only A's, of course.

Of course.

—Carpenter and Green...

He continued reciting the list only making me realize that, as the list went by, there was only remaining that one person, which I would rather fail than work with.

And of course, life...

—And lastly, to no one's surprise: Friar and Hunter... our failures.

Mr. Byrne smiled as it he was enjoying every second of it. Lucas and I turned to each other and I immediately knew what we were both thinking: was this actually happening?

—I can't wait for your project.

Mr. Byrne finished making us both turned to face him again with a stupid smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes again, not caring this time if he saw me or not.

I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I knew exactly why we both failed at the test, the answer was pretty simple actually: we studied together, we did until we almost kissed, of course.

Really life? Really?


The bell rang and everybody, including me, walked out of the history classroom towards the next class: Spanish.

—Wait, Maya!

That voice calling my name made me stop as I rolled my eyes, even though I knew that encounter was inevitable. I turned to face Lucas, giving him an unfriendly glance that obviously he caught.

—I'm not here to fight —he quickly clarified—. But we both need at least a C to pass this class so, can we please forget about what happened the other day and make up for the project?

He begged and as much as I hated it, he was right, I couldn't fail another midterm since I already had failed the past two.

—Fine —I crossed my arms.

—Good —he sighed—. This project is very important so we need to start working on it as soon as possible... you know that Mr. Byrne will do anything to fail us.

I knew, we weren't exactly his favorite students.


—Nice, so... see you at Hunter's today?

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