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I felt my head about to explode, everything was spinning and suddenly my biggest wish was for someone to turn off the sun, and despite being sure that I had never tried alcohol in my life, this definitely felt like a hangover. I just wished that all this that I was feeling was due to some exciting drink and not to the fact that I wasn't able to sleep at all last night.

Who could I? Every time I closed my eyes the image of Lucas about to kiss me popped out to my head.

I knew that what happened was just a mistake. Something that should never have happened. However, I couldn't feel that way, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't, and I hated myself for that.

It wasn't like I never fell in love with Lucas before, but... fell in love? Was I hearing myself? I definitely had lost my mind to now because I couldn't be talking about falling in love after our almost kiss since that kiss should never have happened.


That sudden voice dragged me out of my thoughts the moment that, because of being completely distracted, I didn't notice that pair of people walking towards my direction and now, bumping me.

—Sorry guys, I didn't see you.

I apologized once I recovered noticing that that pair were no others than Farkle and Smackle.

—It's ok —Farkle smiled—. We're actually on our way to the library. Today is arrival's day. We're hoping that this time there's something about quantum chromodynamics —his smile only became bigger.

—Sounds great —I said not even trying to sound interested.

—Are you ok? —Smackle prompted out of nowhere.

—What? —I inquired, frowning.

—I may not be as good as emotions as I was before but I feel like something's wrong. You seemed... worried.

—I'm ok, Smackle, I just didn't sleep well last night —I clarified before any weird theory could reach their little brainiac's mind.

—Lack of sleep! —she pointed at me—. That's one sign of worry.

For someone not good with emotions this felt like a therapy.

—Smackle is right, you didn't even make fun of our excitement for the new book's arrival —Farkle said now.

—Not being yourself! —she pointed again—. Another sign.

—Guys! I'm ok, you don't have to worry.

—Why should they worry? Something happened?

I closed my eyes as soon as my ears heard Zay's voice. Great, just what I needed. Once Zay knew that something was up with me, he wouldn't stop until he knew what it was and I didn't feel the strength enough to keep the secret about what was making me act so strange.

—Maya is feeling worried —Smackle confessed not even thinking it twice.

—Smackle! —I yelled in disbelief.

—Worried? Why are you worried Maya? Something happened? —he questioned now worried.

—Nothing happened, I swear.

—Then, why are they saying that you are worried? —he replied.

—I swear if someone says the word worried one more time I'm going to yell! —I raised my voice tired of this nonsense—. I'm ok, Zay, I promise you.

—Ok, but you know that if something happens you can tell me about it.

—I know —I sighed—. But I swear that nothing happened so, can we forget about everything and move on with our lives.

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