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| 4 months later |

—No, Zay! You're doing it wrong!

Maya shouted as she walked down the stairs of her apartment, making Zay turn with a confused frown on his face.

—How could I possibly be doing it wrong? —Zay replied as Maya finished approaching him.

—I said purple balloons only! —Maya responded popping a yellow balloon that Zay had just hung out.

—If you wanted purple balloons only, you should've bought only purple balloons —he remarked making Maya glare at him.

—Don't fight her, man.

—Yeah, you're never going to win an argument with her.

Both Maya and Zay turned at the sound of Lucas and Josh's voices intervening at their argument, as they remained sit on the couch, one inflating and the other sorting out purple balloons out of the bags, making Maya's glare pass from Zay to them.

—I already told you the store didn't have only purples so I had to buy those —Maya prompted, starting to get furious.

—All I'm saying is you could've order them...

Now intervened Zay, making Maya turn once again, glaring at him ready to explode, which made Lucas, without hesitating a bit, stood from the couch and start signing at Zay to make him stop. Zay frowned with confusion as his eyes focused on Lucas's behind Maya, which she immediately noticed and quickly turned, making Lucas stop.

—No, Katy, you're doing it wrong.

Shawn's voice coming from the kitchen saved Lucas from Maya's anger, as the eyes from the four focused on the place where the voice had came from and the couple had been cooking for the past two hours.

—I've worked in restaurants my whole life, honey, I think I know how to make a chocolate pudding —Katy responded, not caring about Shawn's comment as she continued whisking the pudding.

—It's just that if you add...

Katy suddenly stopped whisking to glare at Shawn the same way that Maya had glared at all the guys moments before —yup, that was her mother's daughter— however, that stare was enough for Shawn to stop and regret what he had done, by giving Katy a nervous smile and slowly backing off.

—Jeez, I see where you get it from.

Zay mumbled making Maya remember that only a few seconds ago, she was about to take out her anger with someone and that someone might as well be Zay. Nevertheless, before she could react, the apartment's door opened up and all eyes focused on Farkle and Smackle, the couple who had just arrived.

—Alright, we had to walk ten blocks, take four subways and a cab, but here you are... New York's bests rolls.

He sighed as both Maya and Shawn, rushed to him to take a look at the tray that he was holding in his hands.

—You do know your bakery sells rolls, right? —Smackle pointed out, making both of them raise their eyes from the tray ready to glare at her before...


Every single person in the room yelled at her, knowing that it was pointless to make an argument with them, specially at an occasion like this: the Matthews' return.

Yup, that's right, the Matthews family was coming back from London to spend the summer at New York, and that had everyone excited, especially Maya and Shawn whom hadn't seen their best friends in an entire year. That was what all the chaos and stress was about.

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