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Josh and I stopped once we arrived at my front door, I turned to face him and inevitably, we both smiled at each other just as we did the entire night.

—Wanna come in?

I asked a little unsure and definitely, not wanting to be the one ending the date. He, on the other hand, let go a deep sigh glancing at the door and right back at me.

—I'd love to... but I think it's a little late and I don't wanna disturb your parents.

I nodded. The truth was we didn't follow Shawn's order and we stayed on the karaoke place until this one closed but, how couldn't we? We were having the time of our lives.

—I know I said it before but... —he kept talking—. This really was a great night.

I smiled—. Yeah, it definitely was.

Josh smiled back at me, but after a couple of seconds of silence and just smiles, his smile faded away as if something was bothering him which only made me confuse.

—I wanna do things the right way, Maya, so I need to say this... —he confessed making me frown—. I couldn't help but notice that once Lucas entered the place, you change a little and I want to know if there's something I should know about.

I lowered my look a little ashamed of myself. I truly was having an incredible time with Josh, he obviously was a great guy and of course I liked him, and more importantly, he was right, we needed to do things the right way and if I wanted him to know that I have grownup, I needed to be honest with him, because I know it was more than obvious that when I saw Lucas, I started acting different.

—A week ago Lucas and I almost kissed.

I confessed looking back at his eyes but he was the one who looked away once I spoke, as if he was expecting anything besides what I just told him.

—That's why he acted that way the other day on Hunter's? —he asked after a long silence and I nodded.

—Yeah, but he was the one who tried to kiss me. I promise you that nothing happened after that and we agreed that it was a mistake so... —I rushed to clarify.

—Maya —he interrupted me in a soft tone—. It's ok.

—It is? —I frowned again and he chuckled.

—A week ago nothing had happened between us so yeah —he responded—. But after you told me this I need to ask... do you have feelings for him?

I don't know exactly why but tears covered my eyes after Josh's question. Maybe because I felt that I could lose him after being honest with him and that was the last thing I wanted.

I shook my head—. No. I thought I did but now I know that I was just confused. You're the only guy I like, Josh.

Josh let go another sigh and got closer to me, enough for him to reach my face and wiped a tear that somehow had came out of my eye forcing me to look straight into his eyes.

—I like you too, Maya and I really appreciate you're being honest with me.

He gave a sincere smile lowering his hands from my face onto my neck and, still staring at me, reached my face once again, making me feel a shiver run through my entire body thinking that this was it, third time's the charm, inevitably making me close my eyes.

However, instead of backing up or running away, his lips passed mine and stopped at the corner of my mouth, kissing this one.

He backed off and I couldn't help but show a confused face as I opened my eyes and he moved away his hands from my neck.

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